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elbanditoroso's avatar

How does this airplane fly?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33635points) October 12th, 2015

Take a look at this – from Google Maps.


How does this airplane fly?

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12 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Your link wouldn’t open.

thorninmud's avatar

Show me a picture of it flying, then we’ll talk.

(link worked for me)

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Take screenshot, then blow it up on MS Paint or some other photo editor. You’ll see that the pixels are all messed up along the port side of the plane where the other wing should be, which is evidence of a photo “seam”. My guess is that the pictures used on the starboard side were taken at a different time than those for the port side and the lower half of the photo. These things are mosaics, made up of photos taken at different times. The plane was no longer on the tarmac when they took the photos for the lower portion of the picture and therefore, no port wing.

thorninmud's avatar

^^^Yeah, it all becomes clearer if you look a little further west to the next plane on the runway, which appears to have its port wing and horizontal stabilizer laying beside and a little behind it.

zenvelo's avatar

It’s Denver, weird things happen at that airport. As long as you land on the ground and get your baggage, don’t question or complain.

thorninmud's avatar

Legalize pot and everything goes to hell

rojo's avatar

In circles?

CWOTUS's avatar

Nice observation, @Espiritus_Corvus, and a technically good answer.

And that was a nice attempt to confirm, @thorninmud, except for the fact that the two planes are different. (Note the position of the under-wing engines on one plane and the mid-fuselage engines on the other. And then laugh at the fact that my first clue was… the difference in the shadows of the horizontal stabilizers, showing the different tail configurations.)

rojo's avatar

I just reopened the link and BOTH planes are now missing!!!! Not sure how them sumbiches fly but evidently they did! Depending upon the diameter of the circle, they should be back soon however.

thorninmud's avatar

I’m still seeing the planes. There’s also some weird image manipulation going on with some of the stationary planes parked on the east wing of the terminal (just below the plane with the missing wing). The plane parked at “A45” looks like someone went at it with a Photoshop eraser tool

rojo's avatar

Nope, not on my version. Planes still gone, I even checked other runways to see if it had put me on the wrong one but it did not.

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