General Question

talljasperman's avatar

Are terrorists groups taking resources from countries who are fighting global climate change?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) October 14th, 2015

Foe example is Isis taking treasure from the USA that could be used for research into fighting climate change?

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6 Answers

kritiper's avatar

I don’t think they even know about climate change, much less what it is.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Unbelievable. It’s taken me awhile, but I’m beginning to understand.

Darth_Algar's avatar

As if the US has any interest in mitigating climate change to begin with…

rojo's avatar

No, these funds are set aside to find and/or invent problems that we can use to justify keeping even more money flowing into the military/industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about so if ISIS didn’t exist we would use the cash to invent it.

LuckyGuy's avatar

There are a (relatively) fixed amount of resources. A trillion dollars spent on war is a trillion that cannot be spent on say, health care, or R&D, or improved infrastructure, or NASA, or….
Sometimes the war machine produces dual use items that do help our daily lives:GPS, trauma medicine, communication devices, cell phones, Internet, materials, engine controls, etc. But, the money would go much further if it avoided breaking things, and killing enemies, and then trying to fix up what was damaged.

Zaku's avatar

“Foe example is Isis taking treasure from the USA that could be used for research into fighting climate change?”

No, only in a parallel cartoon or simple strategy game universe where the USA is something that has a limited $ resource and has to choose between things, and cares about climate change.

In this world, the US government is a complex clusterfuck deeply corrupted by giant corporations and megawealthy gonzos like the Kochs, who are only the sacrificial tip the of the iceberg of corruption, and there are crazy political sideshows and distracting arguments such as “climate change deniers” and retarded Orwellian “war on terror” arguments and related BS and all sorts of ridiculous noise only pretending to be engaging in actual discussion, which isn’t anywhere near the actual decision-making system that determines what gets research money or not, even if it is somewhat related in concept.

So no, at best it’s a semi-related excuse someone might mention.

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