What if you knew the exact time of your death?
Asked by
rojo (
October 15th, 2015
If you had only a minute left in you life how would you spend your last dying mo….......
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16 Answers
Well, those are two different questions…
This question (the first one) is something I use in order to gain perspective and to see if I am conscious of what is truly important to me.
While I don’t have a specific answer, when I do ask myself this question, I invariably find that I live my life as though I will not die. My actions and thoughts would only make sense if I were to live indefinitely. So contemplating what it would be like to be aware of my expiration date is a valuable one for me. It allows me to drop the illusion of immortality and allows me to drop what is truly not important in order to (temporarily) really live.
Impossible to answer.
2 hours
2 weeks
2 years
2 decades
All call for radically different treatment of the current cash reserves.
Now, if I only had a minute left at this time, I’d probably run get dressed and go sit out front. No need to be a bother.
I would gleefully piss off Candlejack when I die moments after he abdu
My investment strategy and spending habits would be very different.
I’d make sure the bank accounts were empty the day before the end.
Two totally different questions. What if you knew the exact time of your death and what if you only had one minute left to live.
One minute? I would move to an area easily hosed off.
One hour? I would cancel the Netflix, and set up automatic bill pay for my wife.
One day? Drive back to the Bay Area, and go to the beach.
One week? Disneyland.
To take @filmfann‘s idea…
One minute: probably waste it arguing with whoever told me.
One hour: write down my wishes for disposal of my body (since I don’t have a will).
One day: go to the beach with my family, try to make a last few good memories.
One week: write letters to my son for him to read later, as he grows up.
One month: skydiving and a trip to Ireland.
One minute? Get dressed and sit in the tub, because body fluid always comes out, while quickly calling my kids and husband to say I love them and thank you for all the years of love and tell my husband where my body would be in case he isn’t home.
Knowing when I will die in the future. I would give all my stuff away to love ones so there is no argument over who gets what. Not that I foresee that happening but I you never know. And I would leave them each a lovely letter telling them how many ways they were special to me, and what I wish for their future, and how many ways they made me proud. Nah, never mind, I may make it in a short video clip so that when ever they feel defeated or worthless they can listen to my words of encouragement and belief in them to help them march on.
On a separate video I would list what I want done for my burial, so there is no doubt.
As someone who has been in the position more than once, I can tell you that there is not a rational thought in your head. The first time it was up to me to just not give up and I saved myself and the second time I had no presence of mind but simply kicking for my life and trying to breathe while being choked by a 6 foot one wanna be cop. So I would say I would simply die thinking ‘Fight to live, Baby.’
Only one minute?
Well, by the time it took to wrap your mind around one minute you would be dead.
I wouldn’t mind jnowing if I had 24 hours advance notice so after the first 15 minutes of absorbing the shock I could get bust living for the next 23 hours and 15 minutes. haha
“Oh, I have one minute to live, WTF, wow, well, I guess I won;t go to the bathroom and use my last 40 seconds sitting on the toilet. I’m going to be dead so let someone else clean up the after effects of my full bladder. lol
If I had one minute left, I’d kiss the people I love (presuming they are close by). If they aren’t, I’d write them a note telling them I love them, I’m sorry to leave them and to live the best and happiest lives they can live.
If I knew when I was going to die, depending on how long I had, I’d get my affairs in order and make the most of the time left. I’d get out my bucket list and figure out what I can realistically achieve in the time I have left. If it was a short time, I’d probably resign from my job and spend it doing things that really matter to me.
After having written each loved one a letter pouring my heart and soul out, then nothing. Simply nothing. Just wait for lift off.
One minute: go outside and stare at the sun or stars
One hour: go outside and stare at the sun or stars
One day: Say bye to family and friends, give all my shit away
One Week: Say bye to family and friends, give all my shit away, go backpacking
One Month:Say bye to family and friends, give all my shit away, go backpacking, plan some elaborate spectacular death and then follow through with it.
If i knew how I would die and at what time I would die, I would probably die before trying to prevent my death.
@ZEPHYRA You could write all those love letters in one minute? haha
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