How do you feel about gender equality and feminism?
Asked by
Morocco (
October 15th, 2015
Feminism and gender equality are still an issue that will draw attention among the society. Women status is a complex issue and a hard-to-define subject. Overall, the rights and status of women have improved considerably in the last century. What do you personally think?
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27 Answers
I think when women have to fight in wars and get shot at then they will be more equal.
Fuck em, I’m just going to hit them over the head and drag em back to my cave.
I feel pretty good about it, ya know?
I’m all for it. Feminism is all about equality for everyone and we still have quite a ways to go.
How vague.
I am a feminist, in that I believe in equal treatment of all persons regardless of their gender expression or biological sex, and am anxiously awaiting the day when the rest of the world agrees.
I think the word “feminism” has been so badly damaged by those who are consumed by misandry that anything done in the name of feminism only enables and rationalizes their childish, disgusting behavior. I.E. Valerie Solanas I think we are ready to move past this. I’m a humanist, lifting up one demographic should not be accomplished by stepping on another.
If a person truly believes in human rights and dignity of every individual, everything else falls into place.
I support gender equality and all but sometimes they’re just annoying ( E.G Jennifer Lawrence with her equality thingy that came up few days ago) come on
..and don’t forget Emma Watson, the face of white priviledged youth herself
I am a feminist and I am in favor of gender equality. but I am not sharing a bathroom! Nah! That’s bullshit, if we have to share I am ok with that. except I am afraid if I did I would find out women fart and that would completely ruin the illusion I have constructed
Feminism and gender equality are harmful to both men and women, but they are vastly different things. Feminism will only approach equality when feminists start demanding gender quotas in male dominated professions like truck driving and garbage collection, not just white collar executive roles.
Gender quotas are not the goal of feminism.
The lack of need for such, is.
I’d love to stop seeing job ads for “office girls” and “a few guys with tile experience.”
Both of those ads are a sign of a perception that administrative assistants should be women and construction workers should be men, and thus anyone of the opposite gender who applies is swimming upstream from the start.
But simply demanding the ad not say those things isn’t enough. The goal is changing the perceptions in the people themselves, so that a female cutting a granite countertop is just as expected and respected as a male, and a man who rocks at Excel spreadsheets is just as expected and respected as a woman, and ditto for a transperson in either position.
Incoming sarcastic answer, yet with a point- we’ll never see equality until we women begin regularly asking men, “Are you on your period or something?”, compliment their tits, make wisecracks about that “wild animal between their legs,” constantly ask them if they need help lifting/opening something, purposely walk behind them at the grocery store, pat them on the head and call them “dear,” pay close attention to every other woman in the vicinity and ignore the hell out of the men, open doors for men and say, “Here ya go, little guy,” demand a pay raise over your male counterparts because hey, they’re men and men are dumber than us, right?, bitch at them for not having dinner ready at 5:30, bitch at them for not washing your favorite underwear, when you go to the mechanic, treat THEM like a total dumbass, start a new quote “Save a whale, harpoon a fat guy,” get uncomfortably close to them in random places and say, “Your hair smells nice,” tell them their dangerous medical issue can wait because there’s a woman with a possibly broken toe who ought to be treated first, snap their undies waistband and giggle the way they snap our bra straps, invite them over for a booty call then slut shame them afterward, order for them when you go out to dinner, and so on.
The Magic Mike movies were a nice opportunity to turn the tables and objectify the hell out of some fine looking men…..although no men I know seem to have actually given a shit.
^^^ this is why feminism has a bad name. I call bullshit on your sarcasm. Women can objectify men all they want we really don’t give a shit. Men are not objectified as much because there is little money in it. If there was… things would be vastly different. Most folks who have some measure of awareness over their covert nature realize that the objectification of women is used to extract resources from us by society and that we should not be ok with it. Gender roles in the workplace/family once had strong biological advantages that are basically a relic today. It will change organically but people expect it to change over night. The easiest way for things to change would be for men and women both to switch up workplace roles but we don’t see it because men and women on average are drawn to certain types of work. If a woman enters the trades such as being a plumber or electrician she is guaranteed high-paid employment because there are so few women in them. Finding a female electrician is like finding a unicorn. It’s not from a lack of opportunity either. The unions and corporations are begging for them and most will grant them paid apprenticeships. The simple fact of the matter is that women on average don’t like doing this sort of work and men do. I think we have to understand that biology and human nature will not change overnight and that it’s not always the opposite sex or society that is responsible for the way things are. Changing things artificially or prematurely simply does not always work because it often goes against our nature. Good luck going against human nature. So why get upset about it? What does it say about an individual if they will hold a grudge against 50% of the population for situations that are outside of their control?
LMAO, you can call bullshit on it all you want, seeing as how you missed the point of the sarcasm entirely.
No, not really. You can post that and call it “sarcasm” but you put enough thought into it that it may not have been that genuine. It was funny though.
Ah, you must have been looking over my shoulder to see how much thought I put into it as my fingers were flying. Mmkay, then.
Please point me to all of these many paid apprenticeships for women in male dominated trades.
Paid apprenticeships. Ha.
@Seek you live in Florida right? Probably would just take a couple of phone calls to get you in.
Here you go
A part of the issue is that many Women don’t even consider/believe this is open to them.
I see nothing stating that women are specifically in demand, as you insisted would be the case.
@Seek You’ll just have to trust me on that, believe me you’ll be wanted.
Besides, Florida is a Right to Work state, which means the labor unions have basically no power. The IBEW (which you linked to) does a lot of work in the city of Orlando, based on a Google search, but I’ve never even heard of them.
@Seek Around my neck of the woods they deal with the big players like the major power distributors, national research labs, city, state and federal gov’t. Tennessee is a right to work state also. The deal is that all of these employers have demographic quotas to fill. The unions control those jobs and they don’t have the demographic #‘s that the employers need. If you are one you are basically going to be in demand. The handfull of female electricians/technicians I work with make a better living than I do. Since they pay you to learn the job it’s a hard deal to beat.
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