Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

Do you have any condition that $100,000 would cure?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) October 15th, 2015

Everything from angst and homelessness to anger and mental illness. HUMOR welcome.

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27 Answers

stanleybmanly's avatar

How about the poverty of the recipient? And I might add that such a sum would go some considerable distance in improving my own humor.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

It would help put everything except life and death into perspective.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Need a Hawaiian tan.

Zaku's avatar

Travel yearnings. Help developing my current game project.

_Seek_'s avatar

Pretty much all of my pressing problems could be solved with that amount of money.

I could have a house, two functioning vehicles, and desperately needed dental work, and probably still have money left over.

kritiper's avatar

Sure do! I plan to start taking Social Security in 8 more years but I have to get there first! Your 60’s are a bitch!

gondwanalon's avatar

@kritiper My 50’s were hell for me with health care costs >$500K. Life is sweet for me now at age 65. But $100K could come in handy to pay Uncle Sugar.

Coloma's avatar

Yep, it would help set me up again after the giant flush I took during this recession.

Here2_4's avatar


talljasperman's avatar

@Here2_4 and enough left over for dental work from all the cavities.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I could easily pay for the surgery I need, and have plenty left over to save for my kids’ college!

msh's avatar

Pay for excellent palliative care for sibling with dementia.
Get RA specialist for nephew, make him go.
Pay bills off. Not too bad, but bad enough.
Find place to rent, have deposit-when caring for sibling shifts and I must leave this place by next November. Don’t know where.—- so I guess…pay someone to fuss for me also. I’m tired.

majorrich's avatar

A hemorrhoid operation
Hearing Aids
Penile implant?

Pandora's avatar

Well right now my back is killing me. I’m know this spine has seen better days. Is there a surgery that will give me the spine of a 20 year old, that would be under 100,000? Wait, while we are at it. New knees and feet too. Though, those can wait.
Oh, but maybe I could get a physical therapist to help me get my back into shape. One hundred thousand could probably go towards that.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

General hornyness

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Mortgage payments

Mimishu1995's avatar

Employment at the place I want, which is sadly the problem that many people here have to resort to money to solve, and which I fear I may be the next victim.

Talk about corruption. Many employers hire people for only two reasons: 1. Have connection with them somehow, and 2. Have bribed them a large amount of money (100000$ may be sufficient). No working ability involved.

_Seek_'s avatar

@Mimishu1995 – You’re in the Philippines, correct? $100K in USD is equal to 4,575,700 Philippine pesoes.

kritiper's avatar

@majorrich Did you know that they don’t operate on hemorrhoids unless it’s really needed? Like gangrene? Otherwise you learn to live with them.

majorrich's avatar

Seriously… damn….. That last colonoscopy untied my balloon knot. Maybe a trip to Mexico for that procedure?

augustlan's avatar

New kidneys.

Buttonstc's avatar

A couple of knee replacements and a total dental overhaul.

Or maybe just the dental and a couple of zippy electric scooters and a van with built in lift.

majorrich's avatar

Of course 100g would buy a hot car and a pair of fake boobs. What more could a man want? I could live the life of Bruce!

anniereborn's avatar

Would it “cure” it? No. But it would go a long way in helping me get my life back to where I’d like it to be. I need a lot more therapy for my PTSD.

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