Social Question

LuckyGuy's avatar

How and what does someone do when they "party" for three days?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43889points) October 16th, 2015

I’m intentionally not mentioning his name but some professional basketball player possibly with more money than brains supposedly paid $75,000 for 3 days of “partying” with 2 sex workers in a legal Nevada brothel. That got me wondering: What the heck is worth that kind of money and why for so long? What does “partying” mean, anyway?

OK. I get it. He has a lot of money, $30–50M, but still, that is a lot of cash for anyone. Wouldn’t he get more bang for the buck if he spaced it out, say 6 sessions of 12 hours each, a week apart? (Or in my case, 144 – half hour sessions, spaced 2 or 3 days apart?) Am I thinking too much like an engineer?

I enjoy sex. And would gladly jump at the chance to engage in it a few times over the span of a few hours. But after that, it’s just not so important. I’m pleasantly satisfied. I’d really prefer a nap or a nice shower or eat a snack.
This sounds very much like, “Death By Snu-Snu” in an old Futurama episode.

I must lead a sheltered life because, for the life of me, I just don’t get it. Do you?

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20 Answers

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I don’t get it either. Maybe I’m just a boring human, I dunno. I’ve never gone clubbing, never felt the need to pay someone for sex, never even considered getting drugged off my ass so I didn’t even remember what I was doing while I was wherever I was….... I just don’t understand the desire for any of it, or why it means you’re “having a good time.”

ibstubro's avatar

This came up recently at a gathering of a large family with 7 siblings.

One sister said she was going to be in town where a nephew is attending college. She thought it would be nice to drop in on him, say hi, and see where he lived. The nephew said that would be great, but that he was attending a party in the afternoon. Fine, they arranged to meet in the morning.
The sister got to town, and the nephew couldn’t quite give her directions. They made it to a huge apartment complex of exact buildings. Drove around, called, drove around…finally made connections.
“Okay, which one is yours?”
“Oh, I don’t live here. We have to drive to my apartment.”
So they drive a few minutes to the kid’s apartment. He doesn’t have his keys, and can’t rouse his roommate. It’s getting late by now, and the sister is running out of patience. It was just a 15 minute drop-in, after all?
“Why don’t we just do this another time?”
“Okay, that’s great! Ummm. One thing? Could you drive me back to the party?”

Seems he had spent the night partying and the party was to resume early that afternoon at the same place or in the same complex.

You don’t have to be rich or famous to be stupid. “Somebody else’s kid” ends up dead at the end of my story regularly.

_Seek_'s avatar

My general answer is, “Whatever they want”. And if what they want is a ridiculously price-inflated, Scarface-style pile of cocaine to snort off a price-inflated hooker’s arse while drinking price-inflated bottles of liquor, that’s what they get.

ucme's avatar

Personally, i’d be getting me some soothing ball cream to tend to my overworked spuds.

Cruiser's avatar

Allegedly this ‘person’ was on some pretty hard core drugs. I have witnessed first hand what crack cocaine can do to people who are inclined to party. I had an old roommate who got caught up in the drug party all night all day scene. Things got so bad for him he had to sell his house. I ended up buying his crack house for a steal. It took him just under 2 months to burn through the $80,000 he got for the house and was then living on the streets.

I see a similar outcome with the person in your story. Super rich…super famous…super stoned and lots of sexy girls who are more than eager to separate him from his money and gave him lots attention to make that happen.
Money and drugs is just not a good mix and we see this mix happen with the rich and famous over and over. Perhaps Charlie Sheen can offer some insight here.

As an alcoholic, I understand addiction and how powerful it can be one a person becomes addicted to whatever it is they crave. Food, booze, sex, drugs…they all set off a very powerful dopamine chemical reaction in the brain that etches that high in the brain and if repeated over and over the brain and body begin to crave it more and more. Some call addiction a disease. Diabetes, cancer etc. are diseases….IMO addiction is all about choices. One choose to pop that pill, take that drink, eat that bag of chocolates…why they do is a whole other dynamic only trained psychiatrists can discover. In my experience at AA the stories I hear are often reflective of for myriad of reasons is a depressed person who is self medicating. This high they find brings comfort and can calm the stress they may be experiencing. Breaking that cycle of the very powerful dopamine high is so very difficult and often requires intervention and professional help. It takes hard work and discipline to ignore that call of the wild that is going off in your skull. Some addicts can manage it many can’t.

ibstubro's avatar

Obviously, the intent of partying for 3 days is 3 days of oblivion.
3 days that you don’t have to care or think about the worries and responsibilities of your daily life.
When you take ordinary people and thrust them into the public spotlight, the occasion need to ‘escape it all’ must be overpowering. So, a guy that blew off a little steam in HS by getting a little ass, doing $20 worth of blow and guzzling a fifth of 100 proof now has $200,000 at his disposal.
What’s not to understand?

Wealth isn’t always metered out with responsibility (like for a Bush), but is often dumped in your lap (like Odom). Sink or swim. He seems to be treading water for the moment.

LuckyGuy's avatar

But 3 days?!?! How? If you want oblivion why pay $75,000 with two women? Couldn’t he do that in the comfort of his (likely) well appointed home for free?

@Seek I remember the Scarface mountain of coke. So he did a few logs lines. Then did something else a few minutes later.

How does “partying” work when you already have “dates”? I can almost understand students going to a party hoping to meet a sex partner. But this guy PAID for it. What the heck do they do that is worth it? I’m just guessing Tupperware was not being demonstrated and sold.
Actually after 6 hours of “partying”, a Tupperware demo might be a welcome break.

@ibstubro I guess I am fortunate. I can enjoy a day of oblivion by reading a book, (“The Martian”), that I got from my library for free.

@Cruiser But he paid for this service. Couldn’t he just do it at home? And 3 days worth? Space it out. The marginal utility of the activity is so much higher if it is spread out. I know… I’m thinking like an engineer.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I assume they sleep at times, then wake up and start all over again. In this person’s case, I would suggest he has penis insecurity.

Cruiser's avatar

@LuckyGuy I dunno…maybe he felt since it was legal to go have sex with prostitutes in a brothel that perhaps justified in his mind his destructive behaviors were somehow OK.

elbanditoroso's avatar

What a bunch of psychological hooey and babble!! What makes you amateur psychologists so sure that he had these motivations?

I think it’s much simpler – almost visceral. He has money and he was horny. And drinking / drugging makes him feel good.

I would like this to a stallion going into a mare’s corral and mounting her. It feels good. He does it.

CWOTUS's avatar

I guess … different strokes for different folks. I don’t get it, either.

This morning, by comparison, I woke up late and headachey. Knowing that my calendar at work was clear, and since I hadn’t taken one in more than a year, I just called in a sick day. Then I let Willow out in the back yard, washed up a few dishes from last night (the streak was broken, for anyone who had been following on Facebook; you heard it here first), let Willow back in, re-locked the door, took off my clothes and went back to bed. I slept until Noon. Slept until Noon!

Now that is my idea of a party! I have a lot of weird ideas, I suppose.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@elbanditoroso I understand it feels good the first few times. But, seriously, 3 days? And he pays for it.? He couldn’t get someone to do it for free?
And doesn’t it get sore?
Space it out, Man!

Blackberry's avatar

Imagine being at a 3 day music festival but in a city I guess. You have some down time but you basically eat and drink out everywhere. You get your drugs, booze etc.

In his case you make love to some nice ladies, then you chat with them in between, maybe do some drugs with them. Go out to eat somewhere, get hammered there, go back to the brothel, sleep for a few hours or stay up all night depending on the drug, get sime breakfast and go get drunk again and basically repeat that.

Cruiser's avatar

@LuckyGuy If you didn’t get all the details…this 3 day binge rendered the man unconscious and near death. Kinda the end result we both would expect had we attempted something similar.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Blackberry Call me cheap but I just couldn’t get past the fact that I was paying them more than $1000 per hour while we are chatting, eating breakfast, going to the bathroom, sleeping, etc.

@Cruiser. Yes, I heard. Ugh!

chyna's avatar

What a way to be remembered by your kids. Dad died of partying for 3 days with prostitutes.
(If he eventually dies.)

Buttonstc's avatar


It’s not so much that you’re thinking like an engineer but just that you’re thinking like a regular person (in other words a NON-addict).

I once heard an alcoholic describe that his basic problem was that he was addicted to MORE (not always more alcohol, but more of anything.)

It’s a prety well documented pattern that once addicts get clean from one substance, they also have to be on guard for substituting it with an addiction to something which had not been a problem before.

And this is not just for illicit substances. There is a surprisingly high percentage of people who have a successful outcome following Bariatric surgery only to develop an alcohol or drug problem.

Carnie Wilson spoke frankly about this and wished someone would have warned her instead of being so secretive about it.

The athlete to whom you refer has a well documented problem with addiction in his past.

The simple reason why it’s so mystifying to the rest of us is because we don’t have an addict’s mindset. We don’t suffer from the disease of MORE.

MORE knows no sensible boundaries. Once that switch is flipped, it’s a constant quest for MORE. That’s why they say “once an addict, always an addict”. The same problem and mindset is still present regardless of the substance involved.

That’s why there is a huge difference between abstinence vs. sobriety. Sobriety needs to be a lifestyle and methodology which keeps that switch from being tripped. The goal is balance rather than MORE. Because MORE is insatiable.

Obviously having a crapload of money makes balance a bit more difficult to adhere to. If money is no object then MORE is a whole lot easier to obtain unfortunately.

I think an interesting contrast to the athlete you’ve described would be someone with a similar crapload of money who finally “got it”.

After years and years of bouncing in and out of courts and rehabs, Robert Downey Jr. seems to have found balance in his life. That’s no guarantee that a year or even a day from now that the reverse could be the story, but for now he is not on the endless quest for MORE.

Some bit of truth clicked within him and each day he renews his commitment to balance and finds his pleasure in the ordinary moments the same as the rest of us. And the next day he does the same. And so it goes…

jca's avatar

I think his binge would have started at some club, all night dancing, drinking, holding court with ladies and friends. Then off to the brothel with his coke and his herbal Viagra. More drinking, hanging out with the ladies, getting his ego stroked, party all day, into the next night. Body by then was for sure exhausted, and more cocaine to stay awake. A radio personality on my local radio station said the other day that he had tried some herbal Viagra once, just one pill and it made him racy and flushed. I can’t imagine what 8 to 10 pills feels like, which is what reports say this celeb athlete did. Drinking (depressant), cocaine (stimulant) and the body doesn;t know if it’s up or down, it’s no wonder this guy is in the hospital.

Kardamom's avatar

I’d rather go to a spa and get a massage. Go to a really nice buffet, and then watch a bunch of good movies. Doesn’t take much to get me there. Wherever there is.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I must be missing a lot in life. Sleeping with someone in a comfy bed while still enjoying the warm afterglow of sex is right up at the top of my list of pure pleasure.

If I am up all night I am a waste the next day. I need a good night’s sleep to fully enjoy life.

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