Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

What is your time worth?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) October 16th, 2015

Also what do others think that your time is worth? What is the difference?

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16 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

Also why a difference? Edit: there is a timing error. My questions start at 10 minutes.

Cruiser's avatar

From both angles it’s priceless.

stanleybmanly's avatar

$120 an hour. You people owe me a fortune!

talljasperman's avatar

@stanleybmanly Would you accept a post dated check?

jca's avatar

It depends. If you’re talking about my free time, (for example my Saturday or Sunday), it’s probably worth about 40 bucks an hour. Anything less than that is not worth screwing up my day for.

If you’re talking about helping out a friend or something fun, then I of course don’t want pay.

jerv's avatar

It depends. I generally am open to non-financial compensation. I’ve been known to work for beer or accept IOUs with the expectation of favors in kind. I think we’ve all done things for friends that have done things for us, right?

If we put a dollar figure on my time though, it would depends on the skills I am expected to use and how long I am expected to use those skills for. Look up the hourly rates for PC repair technicians, machinists, and journeyman-level electricians and you’ll find my rates run pretty close to “fair market” prices, though a little lower so as to remain cost-competitive.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

$170 per hour. Although when I bill my clients, I almost always trim some of my time, thus lowering my “real” hourly rate. It all works out.

ucme's avatar

I don’t get out of bed for less than £300, or a coffee & a croissant.

Love_my_doggie's avatar


Cup of coffee on its way
Hope you have a lovely day!

ucme's avatar


ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

about 50 bucks an hour.

msh's avatar

No one could afford my time. It has taken me awhile to figure that out.
When I spend time doing things and/or seeing people, it is because I want to.
I was all about giving everything to everyone, and had none left for me.
That has changed.
It had to.

rojo's avatar


msh's avatar

Is that with tax?

Here2_4's avatar

I accept livestock; chickens, Bactrian camels, goats (only the little kind.), maybe an ostrich on pre – approval.

AshLeigh's avatar

At work they apparently thinks it’s worth $10.80 an hour.
My friends know that it’s worth one Red Bull, two slices of pizza and several episodes of Pinky and the Brain.

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