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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Did you eat my nekkid pancakes I hid under the frizzer?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37825points) October 16th, 2015

Well? Someone ate them. Was it you?

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54 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

Can’t say that I did….nom…nom…nom…did you only hide 4? Where did you hide the sandwich as I am still hungry!

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Ok, ok, twas me! Sawry! :( Look no further.

Magical_Muggle's avatar

I think the mouse ate the mekkid pancakes that you hid under the frizzer

LuckyGuy's avatar

I found them underneath getting all wet and soggy, so I put them in the frizzer behind the 50 pound bag of hamburger meat.

picante's avatar

I had a dream about this. What does it mean?

stanleybmanly's avatar

@picante That reminds me: who has an explanation for the disappearance of all of those blood type questions that infested this place?

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@stanleybmanly They were consumed during the vampire invasion.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

There have been vampires? Sounds fun!

Cruiser's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake See what you miss out on when you take a sabbatical?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

See the joy when we return?

marinelife's avatar

I always enjoy my pancakes nekkid!

Berserker's avatar

No. I was in ur couch, stealing ur pillowz.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Come back with my pillows from Mr. Banjo!

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Hang! Where ARE those vamps? They ate more than pancakes! Would be fun to have them drop by again!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I think I saw them under the pool. The pancakes not the boby.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

This mystery gets deeper and deeper.

syz's avatar

Nekkid? Is that how babby formed?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Did babby eat the nekkid pancakes?

syz's avatar

Only under the frizzer.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

By Jove. I think you’re on to something.

syz's avatar

Oh, janets. Whatever happened to janets.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Poor janets. Lost in the mists of time.

syz's avatar

<snicker> Lost. Lost with the boy. Maybe she was let out of jail and shell just run.

And yes, you missed vampires. They were tiresome.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Oh shell!

*stamps foot and pouts

ucme's avatar

No, the clitoris nose smelled a rat.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

It wasn’t the clitoris. It was the nose inside of the vagina. Fiddle explained that to us.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer and @ucme Oh dear god, just the thought of that question still makes me snort laugh!

ucme's avatar

Haha @WillWorkForChocolate, your bald pussy makes me hard laugh too ;-}

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I have entered the twilight zone. What the devil are you all up to?

Cruiser's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake This is what happens when you consume one too many nekkid pancakes…all good in moderation, but that rarely happens here.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I thought sprinkling my nekkid pancakes with crushed macadamia nuts rendered me immune to such tomfoolery.

Cruiser's avatar

Try salt peter if that is your desire!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Now he tells me.

Cruiser's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Better late than never. Perhaps you can have a less stressful Sunday now

_Seek_'s avatar

If you have a salt peter you probably need a bath.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

You have candy and you’re not sharing?

Cruiser's avatar

Be patient @WillWorkForChocolate Another 2 weeks and many of us will be flush in candy and gladly share! If you are in costume you will get that much more! ;)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’m in costume every day. I’m a homicidal maniac- they look just like everyone else.

ragingloli's avatar

The very thought of eating mouldy pancakes covered with gunk and cockroach excrements is revolting.

dxs's avatar

No if I would hid under at the frizzer for three years you will think to check by the swimming pool or shell will just run.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Shell already ran and hid is where the pancakes are.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I prefer crumpets or Engllish muffiins.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Scones! Proper ones.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Is that with clotted cream and lemon curd . . . yum

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Yes! Heaven!

Kardamom's avatar

To answer the question, no, but I did photograph them and put them on Facebook : P

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Greatest piece of fluff in the last 72 hours, but 5 points anyhow, bygones….. :)

Magical_Muggle's avatar

Maybe if shell is found the nekkid pancakes will emerge, I still think that Niall ate the mouldy ones

Here2_4's avatar

It was Eddie Murphy in the movie Imagine That. He asks his maid to make some pancakes for him and his daughter, and put them in the frizzer.
Wait.. was that you? Are you Eddie Murphy? I loved that movie. You and that little girl were totally convincing as father and daughter.

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