General Question

anniereborn's avatar

Could you recommend some exercise shoes for me?

Asked by anniereborn (15569points) October 17th, 2015

I am going to be joining the gym at the YMCA soon. I am 47, way overweight and have weak ankles and flat feet. I will just be starting with walking mostly, but I still need a lot of support.

I haven’t bought a decent pair of gym shoes in ages. I can’t afford very much, but I thought maybe if I knew a good brand/kind, I could look for them second hand or something.

We have a boutique by us with shoes that were never used and are so much cheaper.

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16 Answers

_Seek_'s avatar

I find New balance is good quality and not terribly expensive. Very supportive, too.

zenvelo's avatar

I also endorse New Balance. Look at their website for the kind of shoes you need for what you will be doing. Then look on Zappos to see what they might have on sale.

msh's avatar

Sketchers saved my life. Do you have a Famous Footware store or one who carries different brands? Take a pair of gym sox and try on all. You can feel what works and what doesn’t.
Good luck and yea for you! Feel great! :)

Cruiser's avatar

Arches and cushioning is everything you should look for in athletic shoes…otherwise you will be miserable and in the end hate your workouts. Hang in there and keep us posted on your progress!

Stinley's avatar

I would say that it is not so much about the brand but how they feel on your feet. Find the bargain shoes and try them on. Walk around the shop for a good while to make sure they fit nicely, feel supportive and don’t rub.

Good luck with the exercising and don’t overdo it. Brisk walking at first is as good as running and better for your joints

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I run in new balance shoes. Please take it slow

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Because you have issues with your feet and need good support, getting inserts might be more helpful than finding the right pair of shoes. You can pay a fortune for custom-made orthotics; alternatively, you could go to a specialty shoe store and have a Board Accredited employee shape off-the-shelf inserts to your feet. I’ve done the latter, with excellent results.

Cruiser's avatar

If you want a really good workout you can wear these

Love_my_doggie's avatar

@cruiser They’d work well for a very long swim in the East River.

Cruiser's avatar

@Love_my_doggie I hear from a ‘friend’ they are very efficient for workouts in the East River.

Pandora's avatar

First of all. Whooo, hooo! Congrats on taking your fitness in control.
I find sketchers are pretty good. They are made more for walking and regular wear.
New balance are also ok.

I wear Reeboks GTS but I think they don’t make them anymore. Sneakers last me a long time. It looks like Reeboks Lifestyle may be close to what I wear. I tend to have feet and ankle problems and these are pretty comfortable and haven’t given me any problems. I like sneakers with nylon mesh. They aren’t as heavy on the foot and don’t bake your feet in the summer. You want sneakers that will allow your feet to breathe. You want light and flexible. Please, please, please, never buy those God Awful toe sneakers. Everyone I know who has gotten them only wore them for a little while and tossed them out. My son wore it for a while and it almost ruined his ankles and he ended up with some slight fractures. His doctor told him it was the worse thing ever invented for feet. You need something light with a good amount of cushion on your heel and good arch support.

Even if it cost you a bit more than you want. You definitely want good support, or you will hurt your foot or ankle and that will interrupt your work out. But don’t go for brand names necessarily. Go for quality. We depend on our feet for everything we do and go and yet we often spend more on hair and make up than we do on our shoes.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Go to store that fits you. I find Brooks works well for me.

anniereborn's avatar

Good advice everyone!!! Thank you. I went to the doctor and actually will be getting physical therapy on my ankles and make sure they are well enough before I start exercising in earnest.

msh's avatar

I hope all goes well and that you have fun while doing so!
Hey- water aerobics are easy on the stilts- no damaging ankles.(and it was fun- even in a bathing suit! )
Take good care. Good for you! You go girl! Yea! :)

anniereborn's avatar

@msh Yes, my doctor recommended water exercise. The YMCA by me offers that. Not too happy about that bathing suit thing, but in the end I don’t much care. It sounds fun, and yeh, easy on the joints.

msh's avatar

Give it a two-time try- you might just be surprised – I was ;)

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