The Walking Dead watchers- is there a character you relate to more than the rest?
There are many interesting characters on the show. Which one do you relate to the most, and why?
Do you relate more to Rick and his “take no chances” attitude? Carol and her “I’m going to watch you all carefully” tactic? Morgan and his “everyone deserves another chance” attitude? Michonne? Daryl? Sasha?
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13 Answers
The last character I care about at all is Glenn. If he buys the farm, I’ll probably stop watching the show.
^^Ditto, although I probably will keep watching just to see what Daryl does.
Morgan had an attitude adjustment at the end of last nights show.
Who the hell is Morgan?
Also, I’m not caught up on the newest season.
Oh, ok. I had forgotten his name. I was like “Isn’t that the guy from the first season, with the radio?”
At this point I don’t identify with any of them. Maggie seems to be the only one who is at least a shadow of her former self. I’m still reeling over Beth getting killed though.
@ARE_you_kidding_me Hmmm, I identify with Carol, simply because I think I would act the same way in her shoes. Especially with where they are right now. I think I’d put on the facade of “hey there, I’m just a motherly type, no need to worry about me” and watch everyone very closely from the shadows yet know that if it came down to it, I’d do whatever I had to do to protect my loved ones.
And while I agree with your saying they’ve all changed so much, I guess I relate to that as well, because in a situation where you’re constantly fighting to survive, building a family with others after watching your own be brutally murdered, and adapting to this new reality in which dead people can walk and want to eat you, and living people have the potential to be just as bloodthirsty….we would all change and most likely be a lot different than our former selves.
I mean, take Rick, for example. He used to be a kinder, gentler Rick who was willing to give second chances, and had patience with people. After being stabbed in the back by his best friend, screwed over by humans one too many times, seeing too many people in denial about the walkers (like Hershel) even if he’d had to save them from walkers, losing his wife, etc…he slowly evolved into a man who takes zero shit from people anymore and has zero patience for those in denial. He’s not the same man he used to be, emotionally, but I totally get why, and figure many of us would do the exact same thing.
With everything they’ve had to endure, everything they’ve had to overcome, it’s like having to adapt to an alternate reality, so of course they’re just shadows of their former selves.
@WillWorkForChocolate That’s the thing, changing to meet the environment is an easy, predictable road. Maggie is retaining a good portion of her humanity despite what has happened to her. She’s the strongest out of all of them in that respect and I would hope that I would fight to keep my humanity as well as my life too.
I probably relate most to Carl because I wear a big hat and like to eat pudding on rooftops straight from the can.
@Blondesjon Bahahahaha!
I dunno, @ARE_you_kidding_me it could be that that leads to her demise. It seems like a lot of the characters who’ve been killed, are the ones who clung to their humanity and tried to stay “good” people, yet their nature of holding out hope is what got them killed ultimately. Hershel, Beth, and quite a few others. Had different choices been made, and the “bad guys” been taken out sooner instead of hoping things would get better, they wouldn’t have died in the manner in which they did.
It seems like the ones who harden themselves and are willing to get their hands dirtier, are the ones who make it longer. Maybe that’s a good thing, maybe it’s not. To die sooner because you’re not willing to let go of human decency? Or to survive and protect the band around you that has become family, but have the blood of others on your hands?
I didn’t intend for this to become so philosophical. :)
I think the difference is that maggie has the right balance. Did it bother anyone else that the tortoise that was eaten is not native to Georgia?
Oh, it wasn’t? I don’t usually pay attention to the little things like that in movies or shows, otherwise everything would drive me insane.
@ARE_you_kidding_me, I was more bothered by it being eaten. Perhaps it was an escapee from a zoo or a pet? And I don’t really have a character I relate to in particular.
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