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ragingloli's avatar

Would you like to play a game of "this is impossible." ?

Asked by ragingloli (52399points) October 19th, 2015

Imagine yourself to be a person from a point in time that lies in the past, and list one thing that you, as a past-dwelling human, would have believed to be impossible to do, but is, as of 2015 C.E., practically feasible, or being done.
Please start in the recent past, and each subsequent poster picks a point in time slightly further back.

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40 Answers

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m from 2014 and I don’t think same-sex marriage is possible.

_Seek_'s avatar

I’m from 2000 and I don’t believe a 3d printer is possible.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I’m from 1988 and I don’t think the fall of the Soviet Union is possible.

longgone's avatar

I’m from 1984, and I don’t believe computers will ever be small enough to carry around in your pocket. Also, even if they were, I think fear of constant surveillance will prevent the general public from buying them.

_Seek_'s avatar

I’m from 2015 1955, and I don’t believe we’ll ever land a man on the moon.

ucme's avatar

Selfie pouts.

zenvelo's avatar

I’m from 1947 and don’t believe separate but equal will ever go away.

Cruiser's avatar

I’m from 1940 and say blacks will never ever have equal rights.

syz's avatar

I’m from 1918 and I don’t think women will ever have the right to vote.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I’m from 1912 and I think HG Wells is wrong and the world’s leaders will never be crazy enough to lead us into a catastrophic world war and if they tried, the common man would rebel and prevent it. I think suffragettes are just a bunch of rich, bored women who aren’t taken care of properly in the bedroom and they’ll get the vote over my dead body. The next thing you know, they’ll use their votes to outlaw liquor. I’ve seen the schematics in Scientific American and I think that new passenger liner they’ve built in Liverpool, the RMS Titanic, is unsinkable. I don’t think that America will sit still for a peace-time income tax.

janbb's avatar

I’m from 1858 and I think a house divided against itself can stand.

Brian1946's avatar

I’m from 1857 I don’t think humans will ever be able to fly.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I’m from 1856 and I think that slavery will be history in just a few more years, proven economically impractical by machines that are now being developed by such brilliant young men as Cyrus McCormick.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’m from 1850 and doubt that women wearing trousers in public will ever be acceptable.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I’m from 1850 and just read the first book of a new French writer named Jules Verne. He has an amazing imagination, writes quite realistically and enables his audience to suspend belief to take the adventure with him. But I just read in a literary magazine that he believes the technologies he writes about will one day be possible. He better watch it or he’ll find himself locked away in an asylum.

_Seek_'s avatar

I’m from 1840 and I am so tired of stepping in horse droppings and soiling my shoes. Too bad we’ll never be able to travel without animals to pull our carriages.

janbb's avatar

I’m from 1837 and I think Queen Victoria will only rule for a short time.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I’m from 1831 and a cotton broker in New York City. Virginia just experienced the most deadly slave uprising in U.S. history. And now the retribution. The telegraph wires are burning up with reports. Vigilantes are hunting the negroes down as if they were wild dogs, going from county to county murdering and lynching indescriminantly. Slavery is so destructive morally and otherwise, but how is the South to maintain it’s economy without this horrible institution? What are we all to do?

I believe it is time to simply bite the bullet and finally take a stand. This event has made me more sympathetic toward the abolitionists. I will not be part of an industry that hunts people down and kills them like this. I will no longer broker cotton. There are other commodities and then there is always banking.

Blondesjon's avatar

I’m from 1801 and I know that, even if nothing else prevails, it will always be legal for me to drink beer in these United States of America.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I’m from 1970 and I never imagined that my entire LP collection can fit on something the size of my fingernail and play on something the size of a large postage stamp.

_Seek_'s avatar

I’m from 1800, and there is no faster way to get a message from one town to another than a fleet horseman.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I’m from 1969 and I can’t believe how shitty our space program is now.

Pachy's avatar

I’m from May 2015 and I never would have believed Donald Trump would get this far in the run for the GOP nomination.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’m from 1790 and there is no way every family will ever have indoor bathrooms with hot, running water.

ucme's avatar

I’m from 1960 & from mississippi, “there ain’t never gonna be no nigger president boy”

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m from 1950 and I think there’s no way I can pause, foward or backward a movie.

jca's avatar

I’m from 1776 and I don’t believe America will ever spread west beyond the 13 colonies. West is nothing but Injuns.

Kardamom's avatar

I’m from 1700 and pray you, it shall always be impossible to prepare and heat an entire meal, consisting of roast meat and vegetables in mere minutes. It would take as long, simply, to prepare the fire in the hearth, and many hours to stew the meat and vegetables, if we were lucky enough to have any. Most days we subsist on gruel or pemmican.

Nachos? What pray can that be?

msh's avatar

It is December 16th, 1773. It is cold by the Boston harbor, but once we committed, there was no going back. I was to be an Indian. I was also to go shirtless- but my wife said she wouldn’t be able to tend to my pneumonia if I get put in jail.
We used our own hatchets from home. Someone brought some old turkey feathers to tuck in our ‘braids’.
It was easily done. Yet, I shall miss my afternoon repast with a strong cup of tea at 4 pm, greatly! But it had to be done! The taxes the King and his old cronies charge us here in the colonies is Just Too Much! A message had to be sent and heard- that the colonies are forward thinkers! Freedom for all- not bowing to a conservative Monarch- the Crazy George III and his conservative group of stodgy old world thoughts! New, free- thinkers- without the old conservative ways!!!!
Little did we know that some real psycho conservative arseholes in the turning years of the twenty-first century would name themselves after our little Tea Party in the harbor! Damned them for their beliefs in a conservative way to live!!! They risk nothing! They stand for nothing by God!!!
Tea Party, my arse!

Mimishu1995's avatar

I’m from 1600 and fuck you, the Earth is flat!

ucme's avatar

I am from 1256AD & Nancy Reagan is such a cute baby, she will become famous some day.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

It’s 1987 and Rick Astley would never believe his career would get a reboot in 2007

Here2_4's avatar

It is fifteen hundred and thirty three in the year of our Lord. I have just married the most powerful man in the world. I shall live in comfort all my days. It is impossible for any harm to ever befall me now. Long live Henry the eighth, long live the king!

janbb's avatar

It’s 1420. These rats are so cute; nothing bad can happen if I play with them.

Mimishu1995's avatar

It’s 1350 amd God rules this world! The Bible is the law book and textbook of all mankind. Anyone believe in it will receive the love of God in his kingdom, and whoever thinks otherwise will be tortured in both this world and hell!

Brian1946's avatar

It’s 1349 and there’s no skittle-faced way, that l’il Jeffy Chaucer will get any of his works printed by Johnny Gutenberp,

janbb's avatar

It’s 1065. The Normans – no way!

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

It’s 1064 in the year of our most merciful, gracious Lord. I am a Cardinal in Rome and presently serving as foreign secretary, the envoy to the Christian World under Pope Urban II.

Now that the peasants—the dumb schmucks—have settled down and are convinced. once again, that the world will not end this month, they can get back to work in the fields and the barons can get back to paying their tithes.

His Holiness the Pope has finally authorized funds and men for the re-taking of Jerusalem from the Muhammedan Horde. His public oratory to the troops was most inspiring and will be remembered for all time. One couldn’t help but seeing that God truly speaks through this Pope.

On the Iberian Peninsula , we have—against my advice—aligned ourselves with the infidel Moor, El Cid, to rid Aragón of a most uncooperative renegade king. I think the loyal Ferdinand would be a nice replacement there. Next we will take Cordoba, Castile, Navarre, León, and finally we will take the jewel, Granada, from these non-Christian invaders. Once and for all, we shall hammer these kingdoms into one on God’s forge and bring them all under the protection of His earthly representative, the Pope. God is with us, but I fear we will be punished for aligning ourselves with this son of Mohammed, this ambitious traitor to his own, this mercenary—El Cid. We will pay higher than we should in blood and treasure for our doubt in the capabilities of our own Christian men under arms, and thereby doubting God.

The redheaded Roger has sailed from Normandy and taken Sicily from the Muhammedans. We’re still not sure of his political or religious affinities, but his history as a world class bandit is not encouraging. I don’t trust redheads. There was that woman, that beautiful, voluptuous banshee, ambivalent to all morals concerning good, Christian women, and wife of the ambassador from the barely civilized land of Danne Mark… she nearly drove me mad with her lustful voraciousness until I one night recognized that the spell she had put upon me was nothing less than Satan himself working through her to corrupt me—and therefore the Church itself! Only her station and the resultant political ramifications saved her from the stake and fire. Oh, her hair was as red as the fires of hell (and her rapacious passions just as hot!), her eyes as green and bright as a rampant sea-dragon. You can’t trust the redheaded race. The power this woman had over me convinced me that redheads are put here by the Devil himself to tempt God’s most faithful. But even this pirate Roger is preferable to the Muhammedans ruling an island so close and economically important to Rome.

Our sometimes ally in Wales, Gruffydd ap Llywelyn, recently died and we’re not sure of his successor’s loyalties. Good Lord, that man really needed to buy a vowel.

Here I am, with my bloody hands full, and now my old friend Father Giuseppe Molina comes down the hall from the library schlepping two huge manuscripts and his astrolabe. He is the Vatican Astronomer. His excitement is palpable. He’s babbling something about the world not being flat. He has Persian manuscripts newly delivered from the so-called “Church” in Constantinople telling him that the world is actually round. This heresy is supposedly derived by an accumulation of barbarian navigational studies. He wants to demonstrate proofs using his sky charts and astrolabe. I told him this is obviously a trap, set by Satan himself through our enemies, to corrupt us in the eyes of God.

I told him that I have been all over the Catholic World and everywhere it is flat. Even the bumps we call mountains lie on flat earth. I have been upon the sea, and there is nothing flatter. I quoted scripture to him for hours, the scores of references in our Bible—written by God himself through the hand of man—where it explicitly states that the earth is flat. But my friend, who has been cloistered in libraries all his life and has never been out in the world —my friend who has been exposed to ideas both good and evil to the point that I don’t believe that he can tell the difference anymore—will not be dissuaded of this heresy.

He wants to present this crazy idea to the Curia—the college of Cardinals, our wisest men charged with finding God’s truth by sorting out the confusion of all worldly knowledge, which as we know is always tainted by the Devil. He says this new revelation will change the way we see the world and our place in it. Only when I described his short, ignominious future, his excruciating public burning upon the fires of Catholic justice—a mere taste of what is ahead for him in the afterlife—the persecution of his family, and his erasure from the book of Vatican Notables, would he promise to keep this to himself forever. I took his confession and I believed him during the penance, but I worry about my dearest old friend’s soul. I fear I will not see him in heaven after our short interlude on earth. The only reason I haven’t advised him to burn these books is that they also contain intelligence on how our enemies to the east think.

A round earth? A world of soft curves like a woman versus the strength and stability of a level foundation? Preposterous! On all sides the Evil One is attacking us, bleeding the Church, using Mohammedans, Jews and wayward Christian sects like the heretic Cathars took take our lands, our faithful, our Church, and our God away from us. And now, by using my best and oldest friend, he is attacking us from within!

msh's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus – YOU are spectacular! I love this era- you’ve brought to life once again!
Excellent! Clap-clap-clap! Bravo!!!

Kardamom's avatar

He shoulda bought a vowel. Ha ha ha ha ha ha :P

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