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rojo's avatar

Can you help me construct a tesseract?

Asked by rojo (24182points) October 20th, 2015

I am not sure how to accomplish what I need to accomplish without one.
Or, if not, do you have another way I can fit a 25’ x 25’ garages worth of crap into a 10’ x 10’ storage building?

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6 Answers

rojo's avatar

Must be able to do so using normal construction materials that can be gotten at Home Depot or ordered online.

funkdaddy's avatar

I put a looooooot of stuff into a 10×10ish space once with some scaffolding.

Basically put the legs up and put one cross section as high as we could in each to hold them up, put one layer of stuff in, then dropped the cross piece down one by one, put another layer in on the “shelves”, and then fit a third layer anywhere I could.

It wasn’t fun, and it probably would have been smarter just to buy a larger unit, but we put an impossible amount of stuff in.

ragingloli's avatar

It would be easier for you to build a spaceship out of wood.

whitenoise's avatar

I just ‘broke’ my back this weekend by building up 42 feet in shelve racks each four shelves high. That created over 150 feet in shelves; more than tripled the storage space in our storage.

We bought the stuff at IKEA; Hejn, I believe is the name. Just be more careful with your back than I was.

Cruiser's avatar

If you are moving get rid of the “junk” you can replace relatively cheaply and easily. We were in a hurry to put our house on the market and the Realtor said you have to clear out a lot of this excess stuff so I rented a 10’ x 10’ storage locker for $80.00/month. It took us a whole year to sell the house and everything in the locker together was not worth $800.00. I also did what @funkdaddy suggested and you could not squeeze a deck of playing cards in there. You will be surprised how much stuff you can cram in those lockers if plan and stack things well.

talljasperman's avatar

You could buy a Costco tent.

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