How much do you carry?
Asked by
msh (
October 21st, 2015
from iPhone
You are going out.
The Casino. Bingo. Fundraiser. Bridge Tournament. Monte Carlo Night. Doorstep Craps. Cards. Silent Auction. Poker. Riverboat Venture…
How much money do you take with you?
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22 Answers
$20 max. I am a horrible gambler and I don’t enjoy it.
If I am going to go to a casino, where there is blackjack, I would take $200 cash. Any of those others I don’t carry any more cash than I usually do
I don’t enjoy gambling.
I rarely gamble, the last time was in 2007 I think, a weekend at Harrahs in Lake Tlahoe not far from my home zone here.
I hate the indian casinos, they have sprung up all over CA. in the last 20 years or so. I carry maybe $40—$60 and my bank card for other excursions.
My car keys. Studies suggest that DNA provides the pleasure and thrill of gambling, or not. I must have been born without that gene, because I don’t enjoy gambling at all. I find it a dull waste of time. This is all rather amazing, given that my father was a compulsive gambler who did little else.
0$. Because I know if I brought any money I would just fall into the thrill trap.
The last time I was to a casino, I turned $20 into change. I was relieved when my (compulsive) companion was ready to go…I cashed in $10 in change.
What was in my wallet at the time? Likely $200 – $1,000. I quit carrying $600 – $1,000 because I really don’t need that much cash that often. I try to keep a $50 in my wallet as ‘early warning’ of low cash supply and a $100 for emergencies.
$20—$50. I don’t need a lot of cash.
I’ve never gone gambling (I should, there’s a casino really close), but if I did I would go with $40 – enough for two G&Ts and a little play money. I would leave the debit card at home. Once the money’s gone it’s gone, and I wouldn’t have spent more than an average night at a concert.
I only played the slots once,and I took $10 in coins and when that was gone I walked out.
Just to give some variety. Until I had kids, I really liked to play cards.
I would try to take five buy-ins at whatever game I’m playing. Less and I felt unprepared, but more and you start thinking “are you really likely to beat that particular game after four rebuys?”...
I guess to this crowd that’s crazy, but at most places people play that makes you the conservative guy.
@Seek – the G&Ts are free while you’re gambling, more to play with ;)
Well, hell yes. More reason to go!
I take $200 to the poker table and lay out $100. Usually by the end of the night I’m even. Sometimes I have to lay out the 2nd $100 to get back the first. I don’t really play lately but this was true a few years ago.
I usually limit myself to 100 and play the nickle machines (which are actually anywhere from 25 cents to 2.00.
I’ll usually quit after an hour of losing. I can usually make 60 bucks last.
Nothing, I don’t gamble. I don’t see what the appeal is, at all.
Oh I’m not spending my $20 to $50 on gambling. I’ll have a drink and some food, but that’s it.
Just carrying my load is enough without having to carry anything more!
Typically $200 – $300. When traveling, it might be more, $600 or so.
I was in Vegas 1–2 months ago and did not spend one second or one cent on gambling. In fact I found $0.11 on the ground putting me in the fortunate 3% to 10 % of people who visit Vegas and return in the black.
I use cash when the purchase is below $20 or, if the store owner offers a cash discount , or if it is a small business and I like the place. I know I am not getting my 1 or 2% cash back but it amounts to a pittance while greatly reducing my exposure to credit card fraud.
My spending habits are not a function of what is in my wallet. Whether I have $50 or $1000 in my pocket my spending habits are the same. I will not buy that Starbucks coffee.
None…. I don’t do any of the above.
Poker- $50 buy in. I bring at least $100. The game is just an excuse to pig out on junk, smoke stinky cigars, and get away with other obnoxious things the wife would never tolerate at home.
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