Should I run if I see wild dogs?
Asked by
fredTOG (
October 23rd, 2015
Wild dogs appear to be dangerous. Should I be running if I come across one, or should I stand fast and defend myself? They are a social animal, so they will be in a pack almost all the time.
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11 Answers
It would depend on a number of things. How big are the dogs? How big is the pack? Is there some place nearby to run to? Can you run faster than a pack of wild dogs? Are you armed with any sort of weapons?
If it is a pack of wild Pomeranians, I say step on them.
If they are a pack of German sheppards, then I would look at some point beyond them, behind them, and say sweetly, “Here kitty kitty.” When they turn to look for the kitty, I would run like crazy.
If you can run to safety, do so.
If you cannot run to safety, stand your ground. Make yourself as large as possible (like opening a jacket), make loud aggressive noise and try to maneuver yourself into a defensible position.
Eastern Coyote have moved into this area. They weigh 45 -60 pounds – about the size of a mid to large dog. They hunt in packs of 4 to 6. When we discovered that they have been on my property I set up cameras and have pictures of one tearing a deer apart. (I will not post) They are stronger and more physically fit than you.
If you go to youtube there are plenty of videos that people have posted of coyote hunting deer or other animals. It is interesting to see how they manage it. There is always at least one coyote hiding behind the victim who gets distracted by the noisy ones in front. The one in the back waits for an opening and then springs.
I have gone out in my woods at night with a thermal imager and have actually seen a coyote hiding behind a tree with just its head visible watching me. It even moved from tree to tree staying about 40–50 yards behind me as I walked.
I would GTF out of there and move toward the house, with confidence by talking loudly and making noise. Unless I was carrying an “equalizer” I would not stand still. That is what every deer does in the videos just before they are overcome.
If they can take down a 150 pound deer in good shape they can take you down.
To avoid confusion: Do you really mean “wild” dogs (like coyotes), or are you talking about feral dogs?
I wouldn’t stand still, even with the equalizer, @LuckyGuy – fear makes bad shots of all of us and a hungry animal or five can still be very vicious with a flesh wound.
Running triggers a predatory response to chase in all large predators, especially canids and cats and bears as well.
I would only run if there was a tree or other escape route nearby, my car, house, etc. and/or I felt I could out run the animals on my way to safety.
Otherwise you are better off finding a large stick or other object to try and defend yourself, back off slowly, make a lot of noise, act aggressive, but do not run. You’re just begging to be taken down in your tracks.
@ibstubro I came face to face with a BIG mountain lion behind my barn one night about 10 years ago. The beam of my flashlight caught the giant, glowing, green eyes of the cat, crouched behind the barn about 15 feet away. A tense few moments of just looking at it’s huge glowing eyes, and then it stood up and slowly turned and disappeared into the brush.
Admittedly, once I had backed away about 20 feet I turned and ran to my back deck, instict, but I waited until it seemed like it was gone.
You should almost never run from a predator. Even in habituated (and sometimes even domesticated) animals, it will stimulate an attack response.
You should always attempt to slowly, quietly, and calmly exit the area without turning your back. If the animal initiates an attack, you should make yourself as large, as loud, and as scary as possible. (Except in the case of grizzlies, apparently. Nothing’s scarier than a grizzly. and the current recommendation is to curl into a ball to protect your head and abdomen – kill zones- and play dead. And pray to not become dead.)
@syz I was reading too, awhile back, that “they” also recommend hunters in the bush of Alaska and other remote areas where there are brown bears to carry a supply of antibiotics because if you do survive an attack apparently the bacteria from the bears claws and bites is extremely virulent and you could die of a massive infection in just a few days. Serious stuff.
thanks people I’M DEAD NOW !
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