Meta Question

longgone's avatar

Is Fluther slow for you today?

Asked by longgone (19852points) October 23rd, 2015

As asked.

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41 Answers

_Seek_'s avatar

It started about 12:30 last night, Eastern time. Shortly after I posted the quote question.

Coloma's avatar

I have been getting the ” over capacity” page since last night as well. I can only access by entering via the google link but cannot click on “home” at all or I get the over capacity, not available page.

ibstubro's avatar

Slow would be a vast improvement over what I’m gettin.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Suuuuuuuuper slow today.

ibstubro's avatar

Thanks for asking this question, @longgone!
It immediately sped my Fluther up.

Coloma's avatar

Is anyone else getting the over capacity page?

ibstubro's avatar

Sped up some aspects, it seems, not all.

Over capacity, @Coloma? Perhaps you’ve had a little too much cheese with your wine??~

_Seek_'s avatar

The “D’Oh!” page – I saw it last night, as well as 404 errors and 500 errors. Today, just bogged down.

rojo's avatar

Iiiiiiiiit suuuuuuuuurrrrrrrre seeeeeeeeemmmmmms lllllliiiiikkkkkke iiiiiiiiiiit.
Seems like the refresh rate is taking an inordinately long time. I have logged off and back on just to make page changes.

ucme's avatar

So slow it couldn’t catch a cold & that from someone who has superhero quality broadband.

jca's avatar

Very slow and annoying.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Noon Hawaii time – the site is slow on and off

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I just came in to ask this very question. It’s slow

Mimishu1995's avatar

Yes, very slow. And the Question for you and awards seem to stop working too.

msh's avatar

What causes this to happen and has it done this before?
My cable company connection said my modem was crap and I am to exchange it PDQ.
When I realized it wasn’t a personal slur, I filled out the info exchange hoo-ha.
Could the site be quietly upgrading to newest technology?
Just wondering, here in tech-savy land. Yep.

_Seek_'s avatar

The site isn’t upgrading, it’s just that one of the servers the site is hosted on sucks royal ::expletives:: and gets PMS sometimes.

msh's avatar

Ok. Thank you! So the do-hickey is broken at it’s whatsis because it’s great aunt is visiting.
Clear as crystal.

augustlan's avatar

At least one of the servers is down, I’m betting.

longgone's avatar

Sorry, everyone. Working on it.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Saturday, 1pm, Hawai’i time.

Still extremely slow.

ibstubro's avatar

Mine’s still slow at times (7 p.m. Midwest), but I also noticed that the internet was only ½ capacity.

Coloma's avatar

5:28 PDT, still slooooow.

augustlan's avatar

@longgone and I have been brainstorming and are trying to get to someone who can fix it. Please bear with her…she’s sort of on her own at the moment.

ibstubro's avatar

No worries, @augustlan, @longgone.

If any of us were living in the fast lane, we wouldn’t be here. :-)

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I’m not complaining. I’m simply informing.

ibstubro's avatar

Given the circumstances (that just came to my attention), I consider Fluther to be at half-mast.

jerv's avatar

Saturday 10/24/2015 ; ~20:30 Pacific – Been slow and unreliable all day, just like yesterday.

msh's avatar

jerv, check out ibstubro,s post.
you may want to go to the meta update.

jerv's avatar

@msh I found out about that one myself after posting here.

msh's avatar

I saw that you had. I apologize. I’m sorry for everyone’s loss.

jca's avatar

Sunday morning – seems fine so far.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

This whole site is appropriately sad today. Even the servers, it seems.

jerv's avatar

@jca Well, there was a hurricane in Mexico, and I remember that on 9/11 the entire internet was at a crawl. It’s possible that the internet freed up once Patricia got downgraded after missing the most populated areas.

longgone's avatar

How’s it going now, any improvements?

Mimishu1995's avatar

@longgone it gets faster now. But we are facing another problem: the Question for you and awards have stopped working.

msh's avatar

I can’t use the app on my 5th appendage: the phone. Tragedy! Anyone else having the same?

ibstubro's avatar

I think I’m up to speed, @longgone.

Traffic is slow…can you fix that, too? ~
Until then, I can’t tell if my QfY and awards are working or not.
Amusing myself by mining the Ghosts of Questions Past. What a great bunch of people we have here.

Seek's avatar

No problems so far. Haven’t attempted the mobile site since early this morning, but the Desktop site is just fine.

augustlan's avatar

Anyone who is still having problems should try the usual…clear your cache and restart your browser. That might do the trick.

longgone's avatar

Yay, looks like we’re okay.

@Mimishu1995 I’ll see what I can do, thanks for letting me know!

@msh See PM.

@ibstubro Well, I can certainly do my part in getting some new threads up.

Coloma's avatar

All’s well for me here this morning. Maybe still a teensy bit slow but who’s complaining? Not I. :-D

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