Social Question

Would you stay with a man who is 34 and still lives at home with his mother?
Hello everyone.
I have pretty much just had it and want personal opinion about a relationship I was in that I recently ended….
Is it normal for a grown man to still be living with his mother???
I met my ex when I was 23. He was 32. I’m 25 now and he’s 34.
He was living with his mom then and still lives with her now.
I was living with an ex before, then moved and rented a room – and now I currently have my own apartment.
What makes me mad the most is that I have progressed – he hasn’t. He is still stuck living with his mother.
He is just lazy and his mom babies him. They always text, go to Disneyland together- the relationship between him and his mom was just WEIRD….. He is 34 and addresses his mom and “mommy” and she pays his cell phone bill, food, anything, his Disneyland pass, etc…. He doesn’t have to pay rent or even his cell phone bill…. The whole thing was just very odd to me…...
I understand if a guy is hitting on rough times and needs a little help.
But my ex could have gotten a job and worked… He is just lazy and his mom spoils him.
Love truly is blind…. I was with him for about a year and ignored the situation even though I obviously felt weird out about it….
Just wondering if any other women have been in this type of relationship?
I know I deserved before.
I am a decade younger than him and have progressed so much more and I feel like he held me back…. He still lives with his mom and I believe he will live there until he’s 70…....
I just don’t understand this mentality…. He was a momma’s boy to the extreme, it seemed like a strange co-dependent relationship….
Is a man living with his mother a deal breaker? Are there any reasons why a woman would stay with someone like that?
I’m definitely learning from this lesson to never be with a lazy momma’s boy anymore :(
I admit I was stupid for even wasting time with him.