Have you ever seen Star Talk? The only talk show in TV history about Science.
Asked by
Buttonstc (
October 30th, 2015
from iPhone
It’s hosted by who else but Neil DG Tyson.
I just found out about it when he mentioned it on Colbert tonight.
It’s on NatGeo at 11 PM on Sunday nights.
Evidently it has been on for awhile. I don’t know what rock I’ve been living under that I missed it. You would think they could advertise it once in a while. Yeesh.
Have you seen it yet or plan to?
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21 Answers
Why does no one tell me these things?
Well, now I plan to. ::adds to pirating list::
I have been following it since the series began. Frankly, I have been disappointed. Tyson’s ego is too prevalent and the history of the evolution of science and its contributors limited.
Well, somebody just did :)
And, he evidently also has a podcast with the same title (also available on Android).
It wasn’t clear to me whether it shares the NatGeo interviews on the podcast or whether they are a different set of interviews. Perhaps the podcasts predate the cable TV show and served as a template for it? I’m just not sure.
Well, when ISN’T his ego in the forefront?
But regarding the subject matter covered, his reboot of Cosmos did an excellent job on that front. Did you see it last year? It was excellent.
But from the way he was talking to Colbert about this, I got the impression that this show is a much looser format and of a more populist bent.
You can likely find a clip of their conversation either on Colbert’s website or YouTube and I think you’ll see what I mean.
The impression I get is that it will be much more similar to his various talk show appearances over the years except that now he will be on the other side of the desk.
It’s not really designed in the same way that Cosmos was.
And let’s face it, most of his guests won’t be fellow scientists, but rather public figures from our culture.
Anyhow, this past Sunday, his guest was Bill Clinton and there are several reruns of that scheduled in the next few days. I’m looking forward to it.
11pm Sunday – I’m fast asleep. Do they repeat it? Is it downloadable?
It’s rerun multiple times during the week on NatGeo at all different kinds of times.
Is that the free Hulu or the paid one? And do you know if Hulu has all the episodes from last season. I think there were about 10 or so.
Bill Clinton is the first one from this season which just started.
Free Hulu !! There are 11 episodes available. I’m watching George Takei now.
Excellent. Takei was the first episode from last season.
I can’t believe Tyson was on for a whole year without the slightest bit of advertising. What’s the matter with these dimwits at NatGeo?
I have. I’ve watched the Jimmy Carter, and the Bill Clinton episodes. I wish Bill would run for president again.
I’m a fan of Neil Degrasse Tyson on facebook. He often posts clips and updates from it on there. :)
Soooo bummed that I didn’t see him on Colbert. My fake tv boyfriends. :’(
Since it was just last night, I’m pretty sure you can find it on either Colbert’s website or YouTube. It’s really worth seeking out. It was a great interview with the bonus of Seth McFarlane joining them.
When you find it, why not post a link here. (I’m on my old iPhone so I can’t.)
I listen to Science Friday on National Public Radio. That is an interesting science talk show.
You are mistaking ego for enthusiasm.
Tyson is radiating the latter.
@Buttonstc I don’t subscribe to TV. I don’t even have a converter box, so if there was any advertising, I wouldn’t have seen it.
I’ve never seen it, but it appears that my provider has past episodes available On Demand. It’s going on my record list.
@Seek It appears to be available on several streaming systems, such as Roku or Xbox One. There is also apps available at the Apple App Store and Google Play.
This is the first I’ve heard of it. I have a Roku, no cable. I’ll look around for it.
Am I the only person who thinks NDG Tyson would make a great presidential candidate?
In 2012 there was a Tyson/Nye for president meme going around. I shared it on that other site several times. _
@ragingloli. Nope, it’s ego.
I watched the show when it first came on, but I stopped after a couple months, because he deviated from science talk to just talk.
I’ve seen that flipping through the channels. But I subconsciously figured I just wasn’t reading it right. I need new glasses!
He certainly wouldn’t be the worst candidate in the lineup. NASA wouldn’t be lacking for funds, that’s for sure
Presumably he’d run as a Democrat. But I wonder if he’d even be interested. He pretty much stays out of politics (unless they directly effect science matters.) he pretty much prefers staying within his own wheelhouse.
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