@zenvelo Good, there are a lot of points there, some I agree, some not so much.
There is a difference between love and a relationship.
I agree, the reasons I believe many relationships fail is because they do not realize that fact. One can have a relationship that has no love apart of it in any way, and many have love which will never manifest itself into a relationship.
One can continue to love, or for one’s love to grow, even as the relationship ebbs or discontinues.
The love should not ebb or flow, the relationship will, but the love in it should remain the same. An ocean may ebb and flow with the tide, but it always remains an ocean. Love is that ocean and the ebb and flow would be the tide, the tide may change the attributes of the ocean in relation to the shore, but it doesn’t change the ocean.
Real Love is NOT a two-way street. To state that is to imply that it is a transaction, a contract, some sort of quid pro quo. That isn’t love, it is a contingency.
Holly smokes Bullwinkle, we totally agree on something. As I have said, in any given moment there are tons of people in love with people who do not love them back, and may never do so. You hear it every month here in Fluther because people are frustrated as to what or how to handle it; I say because they do not understand it. However, too many people here in this place and in the real world attack love and relationships as such, consciously or subconsciously. They expect that when they get with him/her he or she will bring “something” to the table they expect to be brought. When it never shows up, even if they request it, their love for the one they are with fades and whoever out there who appears to be the one to bring it comes to attention and then the relationship falls apart or there is cheating going on.
There are lots of reasons real love can grow or diminish- deeper realization of someone or being betrayed by them. But love dependent on fulfillment of an expectation is not love.
There are many reasons that can expose the love that wasn’t there, but like the tide cannot change the ocean, incidents will not change the love. Classic example is someone gets a puppy, the puppy did not make its new owner love it, they owner loves it for his/her good pleasure. The puppy gets in the closet and chews up its owner’s brand new Jimmy Choo pumps, she saved three paychecks to get them, wore them once and they are ruined. Does she hate the dog from then on? No, she hate the action the puppy did, but not the puppy, even if her best efforts did not stop the puppy from getting back in there and taking care of the Prada and the Gucci pumps too. If the mere fact the puppy chewed her shoes and it caused her love for the puppy to go south, she may have been very fond of the beast but she did not truly love it; destroyed shoes conquered her love for the puppy. Even if one never realizes it they go into relationships expecting certain actions, or the absence thereof, and allow it to affect their feelings for the other person.