Meta Question

Kardamom's avatar

If you wrote a question that made sense when you wrote it, would you change it if others had a hard time understanding it?

Asked by Kardamom (33565points) October 30th, 2015

Let’s say you intended to write a great question. You wrote out all of the details and thought that they were very precise. After the question was posted, several people asked you to clarify the question, because some of the details didn’t make sense to them, or some of it seemed contradictory. Would you get angry and tell people “where to go”? Or would you simply try to clarify the details on the Q itself? Or would you ask the Mods to dump the question entirely, or would you ask the Mods if you could edit and fix the question, and explain that to the people who had already answered the question?

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12 Answers

Seek's avatar

The last. I have a bad habit of assuming people follow my thought patterns. It wouldn’t be the first time I had to edit for clarity.

Berserker's avatar

I would clarify if it was asked. If I want, or need an answer, I’m going to make it as easy as I can for folk to understand. Wouldn’t tell them where to go, unless they were being a jackass about it.
If I really scrapped the question, then yeah, I’d redo it again.

Jeruba's avatar

A number of times, I’ve had to acknowledge that a question of mine didn’t come across the way I meant it to. If several people show by their answers that they didn’t get my intent (even if they don’t say that), I know it’s time for me to flag my own question and ask a mod to send it back to me for editing.

At that point in the thread, it would be a good idea to post a note that says that that’s when the question changed.

But sometimes, when I’ve thought my question was perfectly clear and reasonable (or when I was just in a crabby mood), I’ve been too frustrated by off-kilter responses and not felt like trying to unwind the confusion. In those cases I’ve just dropped the thread and stopped following the question.

ucme's avatar

Clarify the shit outta it, embellish with salient points & if necessary, simplify by way of crayon.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I’d ask to change the question. If a few people say they don’t understand what I want to find out, then I haven’t communicated my point well. If the question matters to me, I’d ask the mods if I could rephrase it.

Coloma's avatar

I would, but short of those types that write an entire novel with no paragraph breaks, it seems to me unless the question is just atrociously grammatically incorrect most people can either, A: figure it out, or B: ask for clarification in their answers. I would only change it at the request of one of the mods if the confused complainers were the majority not the minority.

ibstubro's avatar

If it was a question I cared about and nobody seemed to be ‘getting it’ I might ask the mods to kill it so I can start over from scratch.

I’d rather abandon that edit in that case. The damage is already done. Sometimes event the first person answering can derail a perfectly decent question. I hate that.

But yeah, if editing was the only option, I’d edit.

msh's avatar

I would try to further explain it twice. If still receiving some rather rudely snarky responses, and not wishing to get out the felt board and puppets, or crayon, as mentioned above, imagine the pleasure and surprise when several others could come through with the gist of it. If things are met with criticism straight from the get go, politeness only goes so far if, as stated, snarks prevails. Even those who understood and answered got criticized! What was that about? Also-there was a heartfelt apology to one whom felt personaly hurt by the subject, itself.
One question remains. Instead of stopping to to add some unnecessary grief, why not carry on, and go to the next question? Do not circle in the sky. Or ask questions that perhaps one should go back and reread the responses for claitity?
It was a form of ‘what would you do?’
Perfect? Apparently not.
And as an answer for a question which was not addressed in return: if one wishes to put more better questions out there, then teach by example. But be succinct -or wear your riot gear…person foul!
Penalty- unnecessary roughing up a quarterback’s ‘play’ question.15 yard penalty. For hiding comments about said player, another 5 yards.
Question-Quarterback declines penalties against unfair criticism, game continues. No time outs remain…....

msh's avatar

Yep. Ask more- better questions.

ibstubro's avatar

Yep. Ask more- better questions.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Of course. Otherwise, what’s the point of asking a question that only I understand? I’m not alone in here… I hope.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Here anything above ”What does this dream mean, Does he/she like me”, or ”What shall I name the cactus” has (and most often will) be misinterpreted or misunderstood, so I always am on the ready to those who could not follow the details or context of the question.

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