Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

If your boss expects you to work 110% then should you expect to be paid 110%?

Asked by talljasperman (21919points) October 31st, 2015

Humor welcome.

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8 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

No,no you should just be happy to have a job.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Actually paid 115% Overtime should be paid at time and a half. I don’t get it myself but that is what it should be

BlackSwanEffect's avatar

Pay and work are not directly related. Each is subject to market forces. If every random person down the street can do your job as well as you, your boss can demand more from you, because you are easily replaceable. And you’ll have to do it, because you are easily replaceable. But if you can do something financially valuable, and you can do it better than anyone else, then you can negotiate working conditions and pay to better suit you.

Say I wash cars for a living, with a bucket and sponge. Well nearly everyone can do that, so I’m probably going to earn minimum wage. But say I’m a car detailer, who can make a car look like it has just driven off a motor show stand. Then I can charge a whole lot more, because there are less people on my level, so my services are in higher demand.

jerv's avatar

Why? If your company makes 110% profit, then it must be due to his superior skills as a manager, so he should get your extra 10%. And everyone else’s too.

kritiper's avatar

Hell, no. Some people think sitting on their butts at work is worth the big bucks. Working 110% insures that you get and are worth 100% of what you’re being paid.

cazzie's avatar

He should be dismissed as an idiot for his miss use of math.

gorillapaws's avatar

It always pisses me off when people ask if you’re willing to give 110%. It makes no fucking sense whatsoever. It implies that giving 100% isn’t really 100%.

cazzie's avatar

Mathmatically, one can NOT give more than 100% without going into indebtedness. The only way my employer would get more than 100% from me is if they were underpaying me without me realising it. I would reply with the question, are they planning on underpaying me?

I had a job where I was working over 60 hours a week and the manager thought he could just give me a pay rise and that would make it OK. I should have taken the situation to the labour board. When I left, he had to replace me with two and a half people. I was seriously used.

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