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talljasperman's avatar

Do smart people's brains taste different from the average person's brain? NSFW?

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) November 2nd, 2015

Would Einsteins brain taste better or worse?

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13 Answers

Seek's avatar

You’d have to ask Daniel Rakowitz or Peter Bryan, I guess…

SavoirFaire's avatar

Yes. They taste a bit sharper.

chyna's avatar

Jeffrey Dahmer seemed to like runaways the best.

zenvelo's avatar

Einstein’s brain having been pickled for the last 60 years, it might be a bit too salty and soggy.

A good fresh brain is tender and not too chewy. Go for a baby’s, it’s milk fed like veal.

ucme's avatar

JFK’s tasted of Jackie’s perfume with a hint of salmon pink dress suit.

Zaku's avatar

It might taste different, but not because of being smarter, which is subjective anyway. Unless you’re referring to how smart they were about their dietary choices. Different food in can and does affect the flavor of the eater’s flesh, anyway.

Seek's avatar

Dahmer didn’t eat brains, though. He poured acid into them. He was just trying to get them to stop running away and love him.

chyna's avatar

Ah @seek, that just made me kind of sad.

ucme's avatar

Stephen Hawking’s taste of vegetab…no, I just can’t do it, not to dear old Steve.

wsxwh111's avatar

Taste….. Is my English that bad or WHAT?
WTF do you wanna know that?

Mimishu1995's avatar

It seems that smart people’s brains have more nerves than average people. So maybe they taste stickier?

Zaku's avatar

What source says that smart people’s brains have more nerves?

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Zaku No source, just a speculation.

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