Social Question

Piece of gum, anyone?
While out picking up some items at a one-stop store chain this weekend, I just found a package of Bazooka Bubble Gum! I was very surprised, and snatched that baby up!
OMG- the best bubble gum…ever!
Unparalleled taste, excellent for blowing quick Huge bubbles to be sucked back in your mouth before someone smack-popped it on your face…or before you’d get caught by parents not wanting smack-popped gum in the car, or on the furniture, or a bunch of gumless smack-pops in the face by siblings- just because.
It was unparalleled in lasting flavor/ bubble ratio.
It came with a dented line down the middle of the piece in case you wanted to share.
Remember the Bazooka Joe wrapper cartoons, with your fortune under the cartoon? Yeah, those changed. Poor Bazooka Joe.
Are you a gum chewer?
Bazooka fan- or another flavor?
Do you crack, pop, or blow bubbles with any gum while chewing it?
Ahhh Joe, I’ve missed you.