Is Fluther . . . . . . . Running S L O W ?
Turning pages is so slow.
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Yes for me, all day today (Monday).
The Creator has been notified.
Have not noticed it…...bygones….
Not really slow. It loads or it doesn’t.
Q. (it was) D. Took a couple of minutes to load last activity on this.
Same thing for me. I have to repeatedly click to get a page to change. That’s not as problematic for just reading Qs as it is for trying to post a response. Poof…..vanished.
These server mishaps seem to be getting more frequent as of late. Annoying.
crontab -e
30 3 * * * /sbin/shutdown -r +5
Sure, the site will be down for a minute while it reboots but you will aviod questions like this that are all to common.
It’s gotten so bad in the last hour that it’s not even worth posting here tonight. Pages take forever to open and forget it if you need to edit, By the time your dialogue box opens, the editing time—which is only a minute fraction of the stated ten minutes these days anyway—is over. I’m outta here.
I’m finding it annoying as shit.
And I fear that we’ve lost a vital connection to the lifeblood of Fluther.
OMG YES!!! this is stupid.
Still good over here, the occasional slight lag, but nowt to get worked up over.
I even got the over capacity screen at one point.
A page on Fluther loading can be the new flipping a coin.
If Fluther loads you have to ride in the trunk.
Ben, if you no longer care just turn the site off.
Yes… right now… Tuesday at 7 a.m. cst.
Was totally down this morning but seems to be up and running now.
Thank you Fluther God!
Unplug it, and plug it back in again. See if that works.
Mine rotates from slow to fast.
This is pretty ridiculous. Obviously the hosting company, whoever they are, doesn’t give a sh*t.
It’s not as if Fluther has such a ton of traffic to begin with so it’s hard to imagine why it would be a strain on their servers. And I can’t imagine that one of the mods hasn’t contacted them.
Believe me, if I knew the name of the hosting company, I’d write to them and give them a piece of my mind in no uncertain terms. This is absolutely ridiculous and totally unprofessional and unnacceptable and somebody needs to tell those slackers precisely that.
@Buttonstc – really doubt that’s the only possibility. It looks like fluther moved to Rackspace at some point. Rackspace is about as good as it gets when it comes to hosting customer service and proactive support. Super impressive usually.
Yes – I’m slow again now.
So many people said it was slow, I guess you cursed it, running slightly slower than usual today; perhaps what virus/cancer you guys have, you are infecting my machine ~~~
Here is how it works. There is a load balancer that when you click it sends your request to one of the two servers. One of these servers is fucked and needs to be restarted. That is why it is sometimes fast and sometimes slow. It depends on the server the load balancer sends you to.
This is literally a 60 second fix and they don’t give a fuck. Seriously, CRON and reboot the sever at 3am. I’m guessing this is a database and RAM issue.
Shit.. I just thought of something. Gail is Ben’s aunt. So he might be out of town for the funeral and so on.
We should cut him some slack. I would hope Fluther is the last thing on his mind right now.
^ Maybe he is handling the affairs of the estate or the disposal of her affects.
Maybe Ben kept Fluther alive because his elderly aunt, who remained home more and more, depended on it for company.
I’ve been thinking it, might as well get out with it.
Or maybe Ben is still mourning for Gail and he needs some time to get over it.
I still have a bad feeling about this.
I have bubbly on ice, and the band playing like the Titanic….if the stern snaps off….oh well, guess my artificial exit date gets moved up greatly.
There’s something I’m not understanding here. If Rackspace is the company hosting Fluther on their servers (presumably) why is anything dependent upon Ben?
If he is unavailable to contact Rackspace to tell them to reboot things, why can’t one of the mods do it? Or is that not the case?
And how does Andrew fit into all this?
I’m just confused about whose responsibility it is to do what and why everything seems to rest upon Ben’s shoulders?
@Buttonstc – It’s just like any other utility, they wouldn’t restart the server if just anyone called, it has to be someone on the account.
I don’t think it’s normally something the mods need to do, and you generally want to limit access to just those that need it as a basic security precaution.
The site has been up, free of charge, for 8ish years now. I’m pretty sure no one is getting rich off of those t-shirts, or the few ads shown to those who aren’t logged in. Lives are complicated and problems aren’t always as simple as they seem from the outside, let’s give it a bit of time.
I can’t add anytjing to the Ben argument, but it seems that the site is getting faster…
Rackspace will only do a hard reboot if asked and that is like pulling the power plug. Someone with SSH access would have to do a sudo reboot
to gracefully shutdown and bring things back up.
Last visit: December 25th, 2014
I think he is out of the picture now.
FYI All: If anything happens to Fluther, there are many of us on FB, and there’s a group on FB where we’re all together, too.
I’m test-driving another Q&A site now, too… just in case. It looks halfway decent, and would be vastly improved by the addition of this group of people.
@Seek what is the name of that site?
Fluther runs slow for a bit and everyone fears the worst. Lol
The funeral was a week ago, but Ben traveled across country to be with family AND he has a baby. Please cut him some slack.
It’s not slow for me on mobile.
@dammitjanetfromvegas It has got faster to me on both mobile and desktop. I guess the problem has been solved.
Until the next time it happens…
Is it inevitable like death or the flu?
While it’s a perfectly natural human tendency to spin out intriguing theories about this kind of thing, sometimes the reality is quite mundane:
Ben’s computer has been out for repair. He promised to resolve this problem this morning when he gets it back.
I agree. It’s no big deal. Machines malfunction. Life is about maintenance. Let’s sigh and continue.
This thread reminds me of the recent question about spending an entire Sunday worrying about Monday and its drudgery. Ben has repeatedly said that he will give notice before shutting us down, there really is no reason to doubt his trustworthiness.
@thorninmud And here I was plotting conspiracy theories and taking 8 by 10 glossy photos with circles and arrows on the back!
The negativity can be ludicrous at times.
Never was a problem for me, maybe englandtown was immune from the lag – oon :D
Word from Ben is that he was able to do the fix last night from his wife’s computer (once he was able to remember some codes).
Technically, it would be running slowly, not ‘slow’. You’re welcome.
@CWOTUS Is there a Contrarian Grammarian in the house?
No, @janbb, for you to be slow is one thing. But if you were running slow, then you would be running slowly, instead. Contrarian? Moi?
^^ Do you really think I don’t know an adjective from an adverb? Drive friendlily, my friend.
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