What email do you use?
My teacher just made a comment that Hotmail is no longer popular, nor are the others, such as Yahoo or AIM. Just Gmail, and I found this bizarre. I use Hotmail for everything myself.
Which ones do you go through, and do you have a reason?
Just curious.
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37 Answers
I really don’t care if it is popular or not as long as it works. I didn’t realize if you used a certain email carrier you could be one of the popular kids or not.
I use AOL because that’s what I started out with and it works.
I use Gmail and have since it was by-invitation-only. ::shrug::
I use both Gmail and TWC (formerly Roadrunner). Ive also got an Apple address but rarely use it.
I’m not saying which ones I use, though I will say that I have multiple addresses.
Hotmail truly is so 20 years ago. I had one back in my Navy days, but that was back when Michael Jackson still had some skin pigmentation. A few decades of abuse from people using Hotmail addresses has led some sites to not even accept them as valid. They make good “throwaway” accounts, but that is also a downside.
AOL jumped the shark about the time 56k modems were the ultimate in home internet access. While Hotmail is kind of retro, AOL is downright quaint. They reached the status of “Sign of an amateur” before Hotmail even existed. It’s telling that when Verizon bought them earlier this year, investors lost enough confidence for Verizon stock prices to drop slightly.
Yahoo is circling the drain much the same way AOL did. In addition to the problems Hotmail has and the problems AOL has, the company itself has been on the decline for long enough that failure is no longer a matter of “if”, but “when”. They won’t go out completely, but I don’t see them being relevant for much longer either.
Gmail is run by one of the largest companies on Earth. While Hotmail is too, Microsoft doesn’t care nearly as much about it as Google cares about Gmail. Considering how many smartphone owners worldwide have a Google-branded OS that requires a Gmail account to get into the apps store, it’s safe to say that Gmail has enough of a captive audience that it’s going to be around for a while regardless.
@chyna Popularity is often an indicator of how well it works and how long it will keep working. AOL’s recent actions, including a major deal with Microsoft on top of their sale to Verizon makes me think that you’ll be migrating soon, like it or not.
I used to use Hotmail until my account got hacked and sent Viagra ads to all my teachers. Ever since then I’ve used aol and had no problems. It looks almost the same at hotmail. I had to get Gmail for a class and I hated it. It’s confusing to navigate and I have to be like dxs89457243978@gmail.com since my name is already taken for the first million positive integers.
I use Gmail. Used to use Hotmail before I knew better.
I’ve had the same yahoo account for years and years. Is that bad?
Yahoo; personal. Gmail; work. GoDaddy/domain name; work.
Who cares about popularity? I have both a Yahoo account and a Gmail account.
I primarily use Gmail. I do have Hotmail and Yahoo but rarely use those. I don’t even remember their passwords.
I use Gmail for everything, and I have multiple Gmail accounts. I like the way the system works. I like the conversation view of grouping emails together. I have another account on Yahoo as back up, but I haven’t even opened that one in probably 6 months.
At work, we use Outlook, and I don’t like it. I tried using the conversation-view feature on there, but there were times I searched for a particular email, and the system could not find it. It simply didn’t work, so I had to switch back to the ordinary view, which makes finding groups of emails very tedious.
For my personal Gmail account that receives all my messages, I use the Inbox app that they introduced either last year or earlier this year. It’s by invitation only, and it is honestly an improvement over ordinary Gmail. When I’ve read an email, I click a check mark, and it gets archived. I can easily find it later using search.
Honestly, the Google search feature works so extremely well on Gmail I can search for a phrase I think is similar to one in an email from years ago, and it will find that email for me. It works every time. I never have to remember where I put an email. I never have to remember exactly who sent me an email about any certain topic. I use search, and it finds it. It’s brilliant. Why would I want to have to remember where tons of messages are? Why wouldn’t I want the computer do that for me?
I use Yahoo. I have about a million Yahoo email accounts for whatever reason.
I know someone who is still paying $10 for AOL. SMH. This same person shuts her computer completely down when she’s done, to save electricity.
@dxs Hotmail sucks at screening that sort of stuff, which is another reason many servers won’t accept a Hotmail address. But I have to wonder… is anything different from Hotmail confusing? Personally, I found Hotmail non-intuitive with all the important stuff buried in odd places.
@Dutchess_III I shut mine down too, but it’s more of a noise issue; my video card’s fan moves enough air to keep me up at night with the noise. Then again, my system draws ~70 watts at idle, or about the same as six light bulbs…
I don’t even know how much mine draws. It goes to sleep. It’s quiet. That’s all I know.
I still use pigeons, slower but more rewarding.
@Dutchess_III I’d say considerably less than mine. My video card alone draws 30–160 watts while the entire rest of my system draws 38–122 watts.
Two tin cans connected by a string.
Actually, I use Comcast email. Most afternoons, at about 4:00 pm, the server becomes unavailable. No message can be sent or received. Very nice, and oh so convenient…
“Popularity” of email providers? Huh?
I use a 3rd party email address from the ISP that bought the ISP that bought the ISP that bought the ISP I used to use a long time ago.
And my work emails, which are self-hosted, or on other 3rd party ISPs/hosting companies.
I have some gmail accounts because Google requires them for some of its various things I use for work, and for things they bought out like YouTube.
I sometimes have other accounts. Free email accounts are fortunately still widely abundant from all sorts of 3rd party sources.
I’d say people should use whatever they like and isn’t annoying.
I use Yahoo for personal. Gmail for business and domain name for work.
I also use mail .com for temporary .
For years I had a very early hotmail address, only 4 letters, until some slime bag spoofed it and sent out a pile of spam. I got so many nasty emails back. This was back when people actually thought the return addresses meant something.
When I first knew about the Internet, I used Yahoo, because that was the only working site at that time, and because everyone used it. I didn’t really use the mail directly, but rather for random registration and the chat software (I remember my first Youtube account used my Yahoo mail). That address became my most important address and almost anything that needed a mail went through it. I shared a lot of memory with it too.
Then Google began to immerge. At first I made a Gmail account as a “rubbish bin” for random registration, but soon Yahoo began to turn into shit, and more people came to Gmail. No one used Yahoo Chat anymore (now that they had Facebook) and it was difficult to send mails from Yahoo to Gmail. I had to use the “rubbish bin” more. The rubbish bin now became the primary address. I still keep the Yahoo account, but I don’t check it so often anymore.
Gmail, gmail, gmail. It is leaps and bounds better than most others. For work, we use Outlook.
I don’t care about popularity. I still have a largely unused Yahoo email but it’s such a spam collector that it’s too annoying to deal with.
I use Fastmail for throwaway addresses. The nice thing is if you don’t sign in for 45 days, it auriomatically deletes and all the spam with it.
But the two emails I use and keep are from Gmail. I’ve had them since it was invitation only. What first attracted me was the huge amount of storage space. No more deleting emails ever.
Their spam filters are incredible. I’ve never had to fiddle around with whitelists or tend to it at all.
It just works incredibly well for all the issues which are important to me. I see no reason to change.
As far as popularity is concerned, i dont care. i’d be using it even if nobody else did. It is that good.
My school uses outlook. I hate it as much as Gmail.
@augustlan @dxs Outlook isn’t an email service, it’s an email client. You can use Outlook to control multiple email accounts, including Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, your employer’s company mail, and more.
@dxs It seems that you what you REALLY hate is anything that isn’t exactly what you first learned on. That may not be accurate, but it’s how you’re coming across.
@LuckyGuy Well, it sounds like you found out why so many look at the email address and just automatically bin anything from ***@hotmail.com, or set up a white-list.
@jerv We’ve had this discussion before. I have plenty of other things for my brain to focus on, a silly and simple thing like e-mail is not one of them. The constant change is not something I have time and interest to keep up with, so it becomes a nuisance.
@dxs I didn’t mean that in a bad way, and I’m sorry if you took it as an insult. Mea culpa. If that’s what it takes for e-mail to be less of a nuisance for you, then that’s fine. We all have different personalities and preferences, and on things like this, your personality is different enough from mine that I cannot help but comment on it in hopes that it will make sense with a little further discussion. And right now, it makes enough sense to me that I’m willing to drop it and move on; my confusion is gone and my curiosity is sated.
FYI, I’m not much for constant change myself unless it’s change towards how I feel things should’ve been done in the first place. Regarding e-mail, I’ve only migrated a couple of times in the last twenty years, and it was because the new provider was closer to my idea of how the old provider should have done things. It would seem that you are more satisfied with what you have than I usually am with what I have, but there’s no shame in being less fussy than I am.
@chyna Having lost a few inboxes due to servers disappearing, I am actually concerned that @dxs may run into that and be forced to move someplace a little more permanent. As one who prefers acting willingly over being shoved myself, I think it better to slowly ease yourself into something you find unconformable with the luxury of taking your time adapting rather than being tossed in suddenly.
It may not seem that way due to my manners and (often unique) perspective, but I do mean well.
@jerv I can even see the little golden halo around your head!
@dxs It isn’t mine. Someone’s playing tricks.
Oh hey, you found my halo! I left it by the frizzer last week.
I’ve gone through so many email providers. I’m using Gmail now.
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I use a gmail account for my personal business, and a gmail account for crap on the internet, like stuff I buy that I know is going to nail me with ads.
I have one through thexyz, and I also use disposable email aliases through grouplist.
Been with Gmail for a long time now since it supports connection with POP/IMAP well.
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