General Question

robmandu's avatar

What's the funniest photo you've taken lately?

Asked by robmandu (21334points) July 23rd, 2008

Let’s keep it SFW, people.

Last time I was in Austin, TX, we were driving around downtown in preparation for the CapTexTri. At a stoplight, I looked over and saw this guy, sporting a bushy beard, smoking a cigarette, and looking dapper in a girl’s green cheerleader outfit, bare midriff and all.

Keep Austin Weird.

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8 Answers

PupnTaco's avatar


I saw this at Kohl’s and couldn’t believe it.

wildflower's avatar

It’s a couple of weeks ago, but I found this quite amusing – and I totally want one!

robmandu's avatar

heh, @pupntaco… product placement is indeed funny. Look what I found at Tokyo Narita airport.

robmandu's avatar

@wf, what is that thing? And why does my head hurt trying to correct for the angle?

mcbealer's avatar

When we travel, sometimes it means sharing a room, but this is ridiculous!

I saw these in Camp Hill, PA. Luckily, I wasn’t hungry or thirsty at the time.

When an otherwise nice person really shows you how they feel.

If you’ve ever had your parking spot taken, this sign is for you.

wildflower's avatar

A head made entirely of computer components – you can’t see it in the pic, but the teeth were batteries. And your head hurts because I was trying to be inconspicuous while snapping with the iPhone :)

XCNuse's avatar

Ever see one of those face pots? Well this was a goofy face pot to say the least, old looking man lots of wrinkles and a nice burly mustache and what I’d say a good old KISS toung… I took a picture (this was at an auction I will add), right as the lady holding it up had it right infront of her face, looks perfect…

see if i can add that to photobucket..

Allie's avatar

Fuck McDonalds and then there was this lovely lady just kickin it. My friends and I drove by that woman like eight times so I could get a decent picture. I was laughing so hard I could barely take the picture. I wonder how often she just hangs out in her plastic lawn chair with a mask and sunglasses on gripping some shears.

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