Social Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What are you searching for?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37818points) November 7th, 2015

Are you on a quest to find the lost city of Atlantis? Or perhaps the ultimate cup of coffee? Or your car keys? Or the perfect way to caress your lover? Or the thrill of sky diving? Or the square root of a prime number? Or the meaning of a morning of soft rain?

I’m looking for good Mexican food, which is difficult since I know what good Mexican food tastes like. I went to grad school in Santa Fe, after all.

I’m also looking for consciousness, and I’m going to start by rereading Kant. I’ll give myself a year to do that. That’s not a hard deadline. I can take all the time I need since I’m reading Proust, too.

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21 Answers

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Peace of mind and acceptance of the fact that I have to go through this meaningless life to get out at the other side. I won’t be finding either of these any time soon!

ragingloli's avatar

Sarah Connor. I was told that she is here.

majorrich's avatar

I am on a quest to get at least one car in my garage before winter. Hope is fading fast for this year, which makes 8 years in a row.

canidmajor's avatar

The balance between distracting/fulfilling social interaction and satisfying solitude/introspection.

marinelife's avatar

The perfect place to retire: a college town; access to good health care; low cost of living; not too much winter and not too hot and humid; low crime; favorable tax climate/ Shangri-La, anyone?

Rarebear's avatar

How to best improve my signal to noise ratio.

kevbo's avatar

I found it, although I don’t always have it in my focus. Finding it has made life much easier.

I read Ramana Maharishi, Nisargadatta Maharaj, and Robert Adams and listened to Mooji.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

To lose a hundred lbs, and not starve doing it.

gondwanalon's avatar

I’m searching for truth. The truth in anything and everything. The truth in politics. The truth in religion. The truth in climate change. The truth in the cosmos. The truth in where we came from. The truth in why we are here.

There is so much tainted and faulty information offered to me on all topics by all sorts of people on the internet, radio, TV, newspapers, etc. The truth remains invisible as it may be right before me. Who can see truth through clouds of bad information, rhetoric, spin, propaganda and lies?

If I ever find truth I’m certain to recognize it instantly because the Sun will come out, the air will suddenly become sweet and clear and beautiful angles will come down from the sky and carry me off to heaven while singing Amazing Grace.

talljasperman's avatar

The infinity gauntlet.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Health. I’ve been in too much pain for too long now.

jazmina88's avatar

peace of mind, relief from pain and security.

janbb's avatar

A way to find a good loving partner yet keep my emotional balance intact. Everything else is pretty damned good at the moment.

talljasperman's avatar

Outer and inner peace.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Still looking for the fastest way to finish my project.

talljasperman's avatar

I spent a day looking up people I know in real life. I only found one and he’s buzy running a homeless shelter and hasn’t writen me back.

msh's avatar

Excellent question Hawaii_Jake! :)

How to leave some bad juju behind.
Safety and health for the close ones.
Find balance and positive unmitigated fun.
Not to hesitate, go back to being fearlessly myself.
Recover, reload, jump into the next incarnation while here.
Revisit all places that captured my mind, heart, and soul. Leave some more of each all over again.
Laughter and lightness.
Better understanding of world events.

JLeslie's avatar

Peace of mind and more simplicity. I don’t see simplicity in my near future.

Also, high on my list, is the perfect thyroid medication combination.

I’m currently seeking a house in Ohio.

A cure for some ongoing, nagging, health stuff.

I wish I could be completely happy eating a healthier diet.

dxs's avatar

Someone to play cards with.

@Hawaii_Jake I sure hope you have consciousness! You must have had it not too long ago to post this thread

hawaii25's avatar

The love my parents never consistently showed me but I’ve accepted it’s not something I will ever find, I can only look for relationships that are secure and consistent like they never were.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

The ultimate textbook.

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