Social Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What are you interested in that is difficult to find others to share with?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37819points) November 12th, 2015

Many of us have interests, ideas, or hobbies that can be obscure or simply not in fashion. I happen to be interested in topics about self-actualization, personal betterment/growth, and the such. I’m also devoted to many New Age topics. There’s no shortage of information out there about things in these areas, but meeting people face-to-face is rare.

What interests do you have that you want to share but have trouble meeting others with like ideas?

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44 Answers

DominicY's avatar

Linguistics is my main field of interest, and few people are interested in. And no, being a “grammar Nazi” doesn’t count. I essentially limit my discussion of this topic to people online, which is okay, but I’d love to have a face-to-face discussion of certain topics, like bilingualism, or changes in definitions over time, or English irregularities that are more regular than you’d think. ;)

ucme's avatar

Licking windows & pointing at geese, it’s a relatively nuanced pursuit.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@ucme Are those pursued simultaneously?

ucme's avatar

Now that would be multi-tasking & us blokes tend to suffer in that department.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

That’s only the Brits. ‘Muricans got it goin’ on.

ucme's avatar

How very dare you, I shall scratch your eyes out dear.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Fisticuffs at dawn.

Seek's avatar

Your dawn or his dawn?

ucme's avatar

Anywhere but the face, a girl has to be careful y’know.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@ucme Be gentle with me.

ucme's avatar

I know no other way

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Ever the gentlebloke.

Cruiser's avatar

I love to do yoga and trying to find a guy to go to a class with is like trying to find a blue unicorn.

ucme's avatar

I’d buddy up with ya @Cruiser, so long as I can blame you when I fart.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Cruiser You should move to Hawaii or California.

@ucme Stick to blaming the dogs.

ucme's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Not sure if dogs are allowed at yoga class, or maybe that should read as doga class.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@janbb Stop! I’m at work, and my colleagues look at me funny when I burst out laughing.

Cruiser's avatar

@ucme I always get the blame in class!

@Hawaii_Jake I wish I could just pick up and move my business. Maybe when I retire!

Dutchess_III's avatar

The internet has allowed me to find people who share my interests, but the fact that we can’t physically connect impairs that.

I love athletics. Most women I know don’t like it.

I love sciences. Via the internet I have found a couple of women who share my love of science, but mostly they don’t.

My husband watches NOVA with me on Wednesday nights. I think he finds it interesting, until we get to the part where things started evolving and we go back millions and billions of years. Last night they took us back 3.5 billion years! I said, “Isn’t that fascinating?!” He just shrugged his shoulders. I think, maybe, he’s a closet conservative and evolution nay-sayer, but, on the other hand, it all makes too much sense for him to outright dismiss it. So we just don’t talk about it. :(

Hey @DominicY…I LOVE linguistics, too! I hate English, but I love language.

Pachy's avatar

Old movies—and I mean, REALLY old movies from the ‘30s and ‘40s.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Takes a bit to get into them, but once you do, it can be incredible. Real acting. The nuances are amazing. What was that old movie…Who’s Afraid of Virgina Wolf, with Liz Taylor? Was that it? The subtle way in which they introduced the fact that her love interest was homosexual was mind blowing.

janbb's avatar

@Pachy Just taught “The Thin Man.” Myrna Loy and William Powell are great.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

My interest in getting people to pay attention to pay their driving
Nobody seems to care about it.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Film noir and the like. They are too obscure or just too sophiciated for people my age (and maybe too violent and depressing).

Writing fiction. Many people I know love reading fiction, but writing is another story.

Law enforcement. That’s something too boring for most people I know.

Seek's avatar

I have a group of friends that share my love of history and experimental archaeology, but whereas many of them prefer to study and recreate the bling and pomp and circumstance, I geek out over very mundane things.

“Hey! Try this very bland oat and rye bread based on a charred crust found in an Irish garbage tip from thousand years ago! It’s almost edible if you put cheese and butter on it!”

…not exactly something most people find enthralling.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Seek I’ll try it, if you’ve got good cheese and real butter.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I think @LuckyGuy is going to tell us how to blow up lava.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I have a very small circle of friends who enjoy and participate in things I like.
I’m technical. You won’t find me watching a football game unless I was asked to weaponize the ball. I enjoy challenges as do my friends. It does not take long before our conversations turn to physics related.matters.
Recently I have been playing with the physics of pellet guns. They are so well built and clever. I am looking at ways to optimize the design for specific applications. The engineers who walked before me sure were smart. I appreciate that.

I may be technical but of the group, I am by far the most willing to try new things, be it: food, drink, movies. travel. None of my friends geocache nor have the interest to spend a weekend working with total strangers on a quest set up by a total stranger – in the dark in a ravine with dangerous drops. I love that kind of challenge!
And @Seek I’d gladly try that bread. ^

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@LuckyGuy No exploding lava? I’m disappointed.

JLeslie's avatar

I am interested in urban planning and transportation. Most people don’t really think much about those things, especially not the history of it.

I’m very interested in infectious disease. Not the exotic stuff, but more about diseases we have possibly being caused by infectious disease and it not discovered yet. Things like cancer and rheumatic diseases.

dxs's avatar

Math, music theory, bargain hunting.
@JLeslie Have you looked at the history of the T, Boston’s transportation? It’s pretty interesting. I take it multiple times per day so I know it in the back of my head.

JLeslie's avatar

@dxs I don’t know much about the T’s history. I’m pretty sure Boston was the first city with a subway system, although, NY was the first city with an elevated track system, which came before. I might have that confused. NYC was the first with an express line in the subway system.

Pachy's avatar

@Mimishu1995, I have very few friends who share my love of Film Noir. Even many of the worst of these movies are so much fun to watch.

augustlan's avatar

Deep conversation on nearly any topic. At least my daughters are old enough to engage in this with me now. The lack of real-life interaction like that was one of the things that drew me to Fluther back in the day.

Haleth's avatar

Maybe it’s not accurate to describe this as an interest, but I love flow experiences. The article gives an example of expertly skiing down a black diamond trail; mine are a little different. For a couple years I used to go to Cape Hatteras at the end of September, which is an oddly special/ specific time and place. The beaches are quiet and nearly deserted, and there’s this sort of pervasive beautiful melancholy that comes from the change of the season and the incredibly rich honey-colored sunlight. For me, “flow” is writing, painting, or reading something challenging while surrounded by a saturated environment like this- attempting to capture it or describe it. Listening to the right music while doing this really adds; some songs are evocative and “flowy.”

Early spring is a big one too. At this time of year the humidity and the weight/ smell of the air change day-by-day. DC is a pretty humid area, and although the city itself is a giant fucking starbucks parking lot, you get lovely things like reflections in wet pavement and smells like wet earth, early plant life, and petrichor.

One of my favorite examples of this kind of thing is Pat Conroy describing a tide in Charleston as his character floats down a river in an inner tube. He gets it.

I keep, like, bumping my head over my own abilities, which never seem good enough. It comes and goes with no warning and never happens during the winter. It’s not exactly the kind of thing you talk about at happy hour.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake If I had a good source of lava you KNOW I’d be playing with it!
Do you think you can fill up a Medium size, USPS, Flat Rate, Priority Mail box and send it to me? I’d gladly pay the postage – and half the legal fees. :-)

@Haleth You made a wet puddle in a DC pothole sound beautiful. Damn! You’re good!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Lucky, one box of lava coming up.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Thank you! Please use extra tape and label the cardboard box “Fragile!” We don’t want any to leak out.
I checked the USPS site and molten lava is not on the prohibited list.

A “Hot !!! ” label might also be in order.

Stinley's avatar

I love Excel spreadsheets. I’m in heaven at the moment because at work (I’m getting paid for this!) I am using VLOOKUP and Pivot tables. I’ve even used TRIM recently.

Dutchess_III's avatar

60 million GA, @Stinley! I love Excel too. It is the most under-utilized program in business offices today.

dxs's avatar

@JLeslie We have the first something. I think it’s underground transportation, but not the first subway. Also the first something to go under the ocean. I get confused because there’s so many firsts. But it’s interesting. I remember HART, too. Not nearly as developed as the T.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I have a passion for country music (new and old) and if I lived in the States it would be easy for me to find like minded music fans but not so much over here in the UK.

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