Social Question

Just curious if anyone else has ever had symptoms like these?
First off, I am going to see a doctor. Just as soon as I find the motivation to get my rear out from my warm and toasty bed.
So this entire past week, I’ve had a sore throat, with all the lovely coughing, congestion, inflammation. Yesterday, I was feeling a lot better and other than my voice “sounding like a 65 year old geezer,” as my manager so lovingly put it, I was fine.
Shortly after getting off work and heading home, I started feeling a build up of pressure in my eardrums, similar to that when on a plane during take off but I couldn’t relieve it. It got to a point where it was getting close to unbearable and I pulled off into a parking lot, hoping it would pass. It did. There’s a sudden decrease in pressure and a sudden increase in vertigo, nausea, coughing, and my thighs become curiously very sore. After making it home, I have a conversation with the toilet lasting roughly 30 minutes in which my constitution breaks down and I pour out much of my troubles (yes, I know what sort of mental image this can put in one’s head, and yes, it was deliberate, and yes, I know I’m an asshole and I can’t let the world have a day off even when I’m sick).
So the short of it is that I’m just curious if anyone else has had pressure building up in their eardrums only to suddenly be relieved followed by a feeling of vertigo and nausea and a body part becoming suddenly sore?