General Question

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

Imagine yourself a Muslim living in a Muslim country over the past 14 years. How would you respond to the US attacks in over 7 countries over the past 14 years?

Asked by SquirrelEStuff (10015points) November 16th, 2015 from iPhone

This question is about empathy, or understanding what others are feeling.


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Also keep in mind, that a 10 year old living in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc during the start of the US led occupation is now 24. What do you think you would be doing with your life during these pivotal 13–14 years.

I figured if we would play a game of empathy, we should take into account all parties involved.

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10 Answers

Apparently_Im_The_Grumpy_One's avatar

What does being Muslim have to do with anything?

SquirrelEStuff's avatar


I specifically asked about Muslim’s because every country we have been bombing and occupying have that in common.

JLeslie's avatar

I’m not sure it would matter that I am Muslim or not, but I certainly would be affected by living in a war zone. I guess being Muslim matters in the sense that if what I hear all around me is the people bombing us hate Muslims I would definitely take that personally. But, no matter what, if bombs are going off in my country for weeks, months, and years, near me, than I feel attacked.

I have no idea what it’s like living in a Muslim country, my assumption is each one is different, just like each country whose majority is Christians is different, although there is also similarities.

Was I living a peaceful, happy, life before the war? Was I already oppressed and living in terror?

How would/did the Jews and sympathetic Germans feel when America started dropping bombs and killing in their country? If they disagreed with Hitler were they glad? Even at the cost if some innocent lives being caught in the retaliation?

I think it’s an extremely complicated question you ask. Many factors affect the answer.

kritiper's avatar

I’d figure I’d better get my religious shit together and quit pissing people off!

flutherother's avatar

I might have welcomed the initial attacks that toppled a corrupt regime although I would have questioned the motives. The ongoing bombings and drone strikes year after year would be a cause for anger. They are immoral from any perspective.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

I would probably dancing my arse off, thinking ”Good the slimy bastards who took out my aunt, three cousins, my grandmother and wounded my mother because someone I don’t know shot some rockets at their invading convoy; get some more of them for me! When I am old enough I will get by 10 pounds of flesh myself”.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I’m just going to leave this here…

The point being that: There are over one billion Muslims in the world. And like Reza points out, one Muslim country can be vastly different than another Muslim country. So, in my opinion, your question isn’t specific enough to actually answer.

Thammuz's avatar

Basically, what @DrasticDreamer said.

I know people from Morocco, who also happen, like most Moroccans, to be sunni muslims. They don’t care or empathise with people from arabic (different ethnicity) extremist (as opposed to more moderate Morocco) countries who have earned the scorn and animosity of most of the west.

That said, my two cents on the issue:

While guilt by association is not a good thing, there is something to say about community diplomatic capital. A government has the responsibility to cultivate good diplomatic relationships for the sake of their people, otherwise their people will pay the price. This is a war we’re talking about. There’s always casualties. That’s why the more civilised countries try to avoid it.

If you go around pissing the bigger countries off, you’re gonna get your people killed. It’s unfortunate, it’s unpleasant, but that’s war.

And on that note, Daesh didn’t piss off just anybody. They pissed off France and Russia. They attacked the two countires that won and fought most wars Europe has ever been in. They are a bug that will get a lot of innocents killed because they don’t care about that.

Sad? Sure. Can we do anything else? Not really. There is such a thing as people who only understand the language of violence, and Daesh clearly qualifies.

What is insane is that in what any sane person would define a time of war we have literally opened the borders to refugees FROM the opposing side. Like if the Germans opened the door to French refugees during the blitzkrieg. Then we wonder why attacks like Paris happen.

Meanwhile, during WW2, american citizens of Japanese descent were put into camps because they were deemed as security risk because of their ties to the enemy. Inhumane? Sure. War always is. But it was the smarter thing to do.

And before anyone thinks to jump down my throat: No, not all refugees are terrorists. But some are, and they are using the others to come in undetected. Does this mean they’re all guilty? No. Does it mean they are a liability? Fuck yes.

basstrom188's avatar

The US is best recruiting sergeant the Jihadists have. I would probably want to “bomb the b*****ds” which means putting on an explosive vest. Once I have blown myself up in a suitable location I can claim my 72 virgins!

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