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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What makes life worth living for you?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37818points) November 16th, 2015

I adore really good sourdough bread. I love the way it smells. I like the texture when I pull it apart. I love to ladle slabs of rich creamery butter on it, and I am in heaven with the way it tingles on my tongue.

I also love it when my kids ask me what I think about matters important to them. There’s little better than that.

What about you?

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13 Answers

OriginalCunningFox's avatar

I live for the summertime, for good food, my family and friends. Books and movies that take my mind to a different time and place.
I live for experiences that will turn into fond memories to look back on with a smile.

zenvelo's avatar

The smile on my daughter’s face when I gave her a left over Halloween chocolate bar last night. The laugh from my son when he tells a joke. The wonder of being close to a hawk in the wild. Looking up this morning and seeing Venus, Mars, and Jupiter, all in a line in the pre-dawn sky. Feeling the cold on my face.

Coloma's avatar

My pets, my daughter, living in a beautiful rural environment, good food, good drink and candy! lol

kevbo's avatar

I just bought a loaf of sliced sourdough for the first time in months or a year or more.

It was awesome.

talljasperman's avatar

~ My regrets keep me alive. I’m trying to win this game and have infinite continues. ~

janbb's avatar

As I said on another post, I pulled a Seinfeldian “marble rye” fight with a young woman today to score two loaves of sourdough bread – one for a sick friend and one for a dinner I am making for a guy friend on Wednesday. So – in addition to sourdough bread, what makes life living for me is music, painting, hanging out with good friends, colors, the clarity of the air on certain days, cousins, mashed potatoes, stuffing and gravy, walking on the boardwalk, the prospect of love, poetry, the Inspector Gamache series, my nest of a home, and my wonderful, wonderful sons and their minions. There isn’t much that makes it not worth living at the moment.

flutherother's avatar

My kids, my girlfriend, travel, memories and future plans.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Doing what I can to tell people there is room in the “Spiritual Ark” before the flood waters come and the door is shut and no one can enter, even if they beg to. Aside from that, I could go right now and be happy as a flea in a kennel full of shaggy dogs.

Misspegasister28's avatar

Traveling, friends, family, My Little Pony, and my characters!

augustlan's avatar

My daughters, my husband, reading, creating, spring. Love.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Mrs Squeekys laugh, other than that not to sure anymore.
Maybe a good golf game.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Answers like these from such a bunch of wonderful people.

Stinley's avatar

Similar to the @Augustlan – my daughters, family, books, outdoors, little daily successes

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