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Jeruba's avatar

If you're a list-maker, what do you make lists of, and what do you do with them? (a revived question)

Asked by Jeruba (56255points) November 17th, 2015

This question from 2013 originally appeared here. To repeat the details:

Some people just naturally manage their lives, the universe, and everything by making lists. I don’t just mean to-do lists, I mean all kinds. Lists are lovable and necessary.

If you’re one such, what kinds of lists do you make routinely, and what are apt to be one-time things? How about individual lists maintained over time?

Do you then obey them, preserve them, cross them off, discard them, destroy them, hide them, recopy them, or what?

Topic tags: management, control, universe, lists, chaos, order, compulsions, idiosyncrasy.

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16 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I’m a Virgo and lists are made. Shopping, Christmas gifts, places to go on vacation…. meals to make next week.

longgone's avatar

* Things to do (housework, errands, phone calls, plans)

* Things to buy (groceries, presents)

* Things to pack (I end up packing mountains of stuff, but never forget anything)

* Things which will make me happy (to get my spirits up when I’m feeling down)

* Things I want to teach my dogs (the puppy needs to learn not to run into the street)

* Things I want to read/watch/check out (many items on this list come from Fluther)

* Things I want to show my students (videos, cartoons I liked, Fluther threads)

* Things the kids I know say (funny, or wise)

* Things I can cook (for when I run out of ideas)

* Things I want for Christmas (being snowed in, most of all, but…that’s unlikely)

Most of my lists are active, I routinely add new stuff. I obey them for the most part, though it may take a while.

I don’t rip them up – I keep them for a while, to celebrate, then throw them away.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Things to do in my job and life
Research projects I want to start
Papers I want to write
Places I can get grants
Conferences I might want to attend
Renovation tasks around the house
Christmas card lists
Christmas present lists
Shopping lists
People to contact about different things
Films I want to see
Books I want to read
Places I want to go
Things to put in my suitcase when I travel
Things to do while we’re on holiday

longgone's avatar

Oh no. Are we making lists of lists now?

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Yes! :-) I forgot to say what I do with them.

Some I cross off (to-do lists/renovation tasks etc.). Others I keep (Christmas Card/present, places I can get grants and the like). My to-do list is a work-of-art. It’s colour-coded and every month I re-do it. I keep the lists and use them to produce my performance review documents at the end of the year. It reminds me of everything I’ve done.

dumitus's avatar

I am quite good at making a list of things to do and never doing them.

JLeslie's avatar

I write lists now and then in my personal life. At work I keep a running list on a steno pad.

Back to my personal life lists; the general rule is I write them when it’s a must that specific things get done on a particular day and I have more than three to accomplish. After about three I worry I’ll forget one. I also sometimes write grocery lists, especially if my husband has some special requests or I’m out of something or if I need ingredients for a special recipe.

@Jeruba Should I have commas before each “or” in the last sentence above? I had a professor who taught us not to put commas when it’s used multiple times like that.

More than anything I think writing it all down helps me organize it all in my head, even if I don’t look back at the list.

johnpowell's avatar

I keep a moleskin and note every cent I spend. That goes into a spreadsheet. And then I look at things and figure out if that KitKat was worth it it (It wasn’t)

But I do this to make fun. If I shave a few dollars off everyday I can shift money to things like hotels on the beach and awesome Christmases for my sisters kids.

ragingloli's avatar

I am always making lists. In fact, that is probably why Stephen Spielberg cast me as Oskar Schindler in Schindler’s List. I said, ‘Stephen, I make lists all the time’. And he said, ‘That is exactly what I am looking for.’

CWOTUS's avatar

I’m glad I read the revival question first, because I would have answered with the same answer I used more than two years ago: pocketmod.

I no longer print out anything from the pocketmod page (the variously formatted forms for calendars, note-taking, shopping lists, to-do lists, etc. I just grab a piece of unlined paper, make the partial cut along the center fold and then make the “special” folds to make it a handy little 8-page notebook that fits in a shirt pocket. I use those for free-form notes, jotting down dates, quotations, websites, etc. (when the computer isn’t handy or my phone isn’t a better option – and it’s usually not), AND shopping lists. Three weeks to a month later when my 8 pages are full, I simply invert it and use the other side.

dxs's avatar

Things to do that day
Homework problems I’m going to do
Items I need from the store
Places I’ve been

I love lists.

Pachy's avatar

I’ve always made to-do lists but now in my older age I HAVE to make them because my memory has gotten so lousy.

Pachy's avatar

I don’t even remember making the above comment!

jca's avatar

Lists of stores to go to and things to buy.

At work: Lists of people to call back or things to do.

For Black Friday: Lists of sites to check out, in lieu of going to the stores. Also, for Cyber Monday.

Plonk's avatar

I have lists of passwords—the most important lists. I also keep shopping lists for the grocery store. I will, occasionally write to do lists, but my wife keeps a half dozen of those at all times, so there’s really no reason for me to. She keeps me apprised of my honey-dos every morning!

jca's avatar

When I travel, list of what to bring.

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