Meta Question

rojo's avatar

Does the Man Mods, know who is Lurving whom, or is it all confidential?

Asked by rojo (24187points) November 20th, 2015

And would they admit it if they did/do?

well, at least it was not to oblivion, yet

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36 Answers

thorninmud's avatar

We used to be able to see who gave GAs to answers (not to questions), but that superpower no longer exists. Hasn’t for a few years now.

We can see the “top ten” users giving and receiving lurve from any particular member. This lets us look out for users engaging in naughty self-lurve between alias accounts.

rojo's avatar

Wait, we can self-lurve? Why didn’t I think of that!

was it the radiation that affected your superpowers or Homeland Security?

thorninmud's avatar

@rojo We traded it for the ability to see through your clothes. Totally worth it.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Oo! Self-lurve.

I’ll be right back.

rojo's avatar

Well, that would explain the giggling I hear each time I log on, I thought my tinfoil hat was adequate but evidently not

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I’ve started putting tinfoil on my elbows. They rest on my desk, and their rays beam up through vibrations in the desk.

canidmajor's avatar

Wait…wait…you mean somebody’s looking? How lovely to know somebody’s looking! <giggles>

thorninmud's avatar

Actually, @canidmajor , you’re my current screensaver

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

*passes the tinfoil to @canidmajor

I’m glad to know you’re pursuing @canidmajor now, @thorninmud. Does that mean the rest of us are off the hook for the time being? Can we start throwing the nekkid pancakes?

longgone's avatar

^ Psht. Please. Don’t underestimate him.

canidmajor's avatar

Take back your tinfoil, @Hawaii_Jake, I’m flattered by the attention! I’ve got some charming tattoos that I’m sure @thorninmud is enjoying. ;-)

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Did someone order any nekkid pancakes yet? I’m starving.

thorninmud's avatar

@canidmajor Hmm, I never would have taken you for a KISS fan. An jeez, that must have hurt!

canidmajor's avatar

Damn, that Nosferatu one got a little goofy with age. It didn’t start out as Gene simmons.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Pics or it never happened.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Now I have to stop Fluthering while naked! Drat.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Earthbound_Misfit You’re shouting. They will hear you.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

:-| I’ll try to tiptoe around from now on. Have you ever noticed @Hawaii_Jake, that when you try to be vewy, vewy quiet, you make more noise? I woke up in the middle of the night the other day, and thought, I’ll read on my computer. While trying to quietly plug it in, I knocked over the bin, trashed the books on the bedside table and then nobody was sleeping. So I’m not too confident about being able to ‘quietly fly under ‘their’ radar’.

janbb's avatar

@thorninmud I’ll strip for you anytime if you bake a tart aux fraises for me. (You might not even have to bake.) But it’s black and white tuxedo all the way down.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@janbb Can we order strippers more to my taste, too? We can get some sardines for your penguin friends.

chyna's avatar

I’m not really falling for this. If this is all true @thorninmud, tell me where my birthmark is located.

ibstubro's avatar

He told me it was on your leg, @chyna.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

@chyna, if this was true I think there might be more of a queue to be a mod.

chyna's avatar

Well, I do have a birthmark on my leg.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Earthbound_Misfit “Now I have to stop Fluthering while naked! Drat.”

What do we call that, flakering?

ibstubro's avatar

There are Jellies I’d like to see, @Earthbound_Misfit, but only a couple I’d like to see naked.

Goddammit, I’m sorry, @thorninmud. It just slipped out.

ibstubro's avatar

I’m trying to remember if it was in a place you could see standing, @chyna?

janbb's avatar

@ibstubro Where did it “just slip out” of??

Seek's avatar

The verb for fluthering while drunk is “to flunker”.

as in “Hey, everyone, I think @dappled_leaves is flunkering!”

I approve of “to flaker” for “fluther whilst naked.”

Kardamom's avatar

Don’t forget about the term for giving one’s own self lurve: Auto Flutherotica.

chyna's avatar

@istusbro Upper thigh.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Seek Dammit, I thought only the mods could see me!

augustlan's avatar

Did someone say nekkid pancakes?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I am desperate for nekkid pancakes!

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Did not take 40 responses and the thread disintegrates into the fry pan.

janbb's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central It seems to be what Jellies do best!

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