Social Question

How are you? Really. [8]?
I asked this question originally a number of years ago, and I have asked it subsequently several more times. I am glad to see @Augustlan asked it back in the summer this year.
Tell us how you are. We’re relatively anonymous here. Your boss isn’t going to see this. There are only a few instances where married couples are on here, so your spouse probably won’t hear about this either.
What’s up? Let us know. We really want to hear whether everything is peachy keen or if you’re going to hell in a handbasket.
As for me, I’m good. I’m really good actually. I am now working after being disabled for about 8 or 9 years, and I love my job. I love feeling valued again.
I have a comfortable townhouse I rent in a neighborhood that could be better, but my landlord is absolutely the best. If something breaks, he fixes it right away.
I catch the bus from home to work right outside my place, and I don’t have any transfers. I get on the bus, I sit, I relax, I scroll through my phone, I watch people, and I enjoy myself.
I have worries. I am sensitive, and I have to monitor how much of the news I take in. Much of what’s in the news distresses me greatly. I can’t do much, so I limit what I take in.
So yes, I really am in a good place. I am very happy with my life at present.
Having a steady man in my life would make it even better. I’m not too worried about that, though. If it happens, it happens.