What does the 50K mansion look like?
Asked by
Cruiser (
November 21st, 2015
Now that @JLeslie has finally walked through the doors of the 50K mansion….what exactly awaits her there? 10K mansion is awesome, and the 20K mansion is so much better with its assigned parking spots, the 30k mansion….well is a secret you will have to wait to find out about when you get there. One can only imagine what the 50K mansion has to offer a Jelly…what do you think awaits you when you reach this milestone?
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26 Answers
Guess it is a marvelous but empty palace, so huge and empty that even a whisper can send echo throughout the room.
But everyone wants to be there, and few can get in so, congratulation!
A sumptuous buffet. A grotto with hot towels awaiting for when you get out. Jellies fanning you with big wicker fans. A media room with every movie ever filmed, available for your viewing pleasure.
they still do not have any flying cars, and the one they did have, i crashed it.
Aww. One of my faves! So glad we have become friends on and off of fluther @JLeslie! Ypu’re the best!
SILENCE! All of you unworthies! Only those who have beheld the glories of the place are worthy of relating it’s magnificence. I fail to understand why it is you don’t quake with fear at the mere thought of such open blasphemy!
@Coloma. That dreadlocked horsey may be fun to look at, but I’m curious about that woman in the bridal gown whose upper regions are obscured through all that horsehair. There are certainly some Freudian speculations to be had in that little tidbit.
Does anyone know this is actually a 50k party?
No I didn’t Mimi. I thought these were visions of the heaven we are all supposed to strive to achieve. I thought the actual party was around the corner at @jca ‘s question. If this ls a second party in @JLeslie’s honor, I apologize on the spot for my tasteless behavior.
@stanleybmanly The Friesian breed is native to the Netherlands and dates back to the 13th century. They were originally a war horse, strong and brave in battle. They have been resurrected in the last number of years as a dressage mount and all around sport breed. Haha, well, women and their love of mounting magnificent stallions, must be stallion envy. lol
Well @stanleybmanly, actually I missed that @jca‘s post. I was supposed to attend the party 3 days ago, but somehow the mods only put the 50k notice yesterday so I thought JLeslie only reached 50k yesterday. I guess even @Judi missed that whole thing too. Sorry I misunderstood :(
But still, it could be fun to open another party. It’s rare to see someone reach 50k anyway.
You can’t “miss” a party, @Mimishu1995, only arrive late.
The latecomers make the party last longer.
I don’t imagine the 50k mansion so big as just incredibly plush. Top of the line everything and nothing ever out of stock or out of season. Personal everythings (chef, valet, chauffeur, etc) working behind the scenes to anticipate your every whim.
Might be just as fun to keep the party going! @Mimishu1995
I picture @JLeslie all alone having in depth conversations with a soccer ball she named Wilson counting the days till another Jelly hits 50K to finally join her!
Oh. I guess I’m at the wrong party! Oops! (Hick-up)
Does anyone know this is actually a 50k party?
Better not be, i do not attend those things anymore.
A lot like the 40k hut only less fun & slightly more of an echo.
@Coloma The original Frederick the Great was also a champion “war horse” but not exactly magnificent to look at. He campaigned long and hard, and was as tough as a nail. In fact he spent so much time in the field, that he developed a talent for sleeping on his horse. There are descriptions of him asleep in the saddle attired in his beat up old greatcoat with icicles hanging from his battered old three cornered hat. He’d be a hero of mine were it not for his penchant toward hounding the Jews and roughing up Poland.
Likely a bit more staff, @ucme.
But of course, I had my own personalised sign put up above the entrance [We have staff for that]
The least I could do.
I want to add that it has a long, curved marble staircase with wrought iron railings.
Congrats to you @JLeslie. A true fluther vet. I have no idea what the 50K mansion is like. I can’t seem to make it to 40K mansion. (The few people who like me have apparently maxed out on me.)
It’s probably smaller because it has a lot less occupants than the 20K mansion, which is a total zoo!
At least marinelife now has a roommate. ;-)
@tinyfaery: Don’t complain. I’ve been here since 2007 and have only achieved 30k so far, so apparently I’m less popular than you are. It’s ok. It’s all good. The lurve is in my heart LOL.
@tinyfaery the restrictions on awarding or receiving lurvre render it useless in determining popularity. Entering any of the mansions is guaranteed anyone who lives long enough and shows up regularly.
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