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JeSuisRickSpringfield's avatar

(Possibly NSFW) What else could WTF stand for?

Asked by JeSuisRickSpringfield (8621points) November 23rd, 2015

WTF is a pretty common acronym. It’s used for the World Taekwondo Federation and the smash hit song “Wisdom, Tenacity, and Focus” by Vanilla Ice (obviously). It’s also the language code for the Watiwa language (as I’m sure everyone knows). But hey, what else could it stand for?

Other than “what the fuck?”

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25 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

From South Park – Wrestling Takedown Federation

jca's avatar

“What the Fluther!”

SQUEEKY2's avatar

A shepherd would say (Wheres the flock?)
A secretary might say it(wheres that file?)

ibstubro's avatar

If you want to use it like “what the fuck”, then Whole Train Full, meaning “a lot”. “I like the WTF.”

If it’s an alternative dating site, White Transgender Female.

White Tailed Fusobacterium

World Tennis Federation

Here2_4's avatar

Wire Transfer Failed
Where Ticks Feed
Who’s This Freak?
We’re True Friends
Wild Tight F***
We Take Forever
Wheels Turn Forward

majorrich's avatar

Why The Frown?

Here2_4's avatar

We Tried Foxglove. ^^^
Was This Forbidden?

ucme's avatar

Windy Turbo Fart

@ibstubro There’s the ITF (International Tennis Federation) also the ATP (Association of Tennis Professionals) & even the WTA (Women’s Tennis Association) but alas, no WTF
Game, set & match @ucme ;-}

Nevada83's avatar

Where’s the food?

Here2_4's avatar

Wash Thy Fanny

zenvelo's avatar

Way To Fly!

Way To Finish.

Want the fries?

stanleybmanly's avatar

White trash forever!

stanleybmanly's avatar

Why talk further

CunningFox's avatar

Wtf. Who that fool?

For when you see someone do something stupid and want to inform your friend to look over and see.

stanleybmanly's avatar

That’s WDF

majorrich's avatar

Heard this a lot as a kidling:

Wipe the Feet!
Wash the Face!

Also heard variations of the traditional WTF too. I was a spirited youth.

flutherother's avatar

Wednesday, Thursday Friday.

ibstubro's avatar

When Time Flies

Kardamom's avatar

Wait There’s Food!

rojo's avatar

Wash, then Feast.

Sneki95's avatar

Weird thing from France.

majorrich's avatar

What’s this for?

rojo's avatar

Well, That’s Fishy.

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