Social Question

Wanting to breastfeed at a wedding when the bride requests you don't: What would you do?
I follow a group called “Social Q’s” via the New York Times on FB. For anybody who is interested, it’s a Times column, kind of like Fluther in that they present a dilemma and then people comment and discuss.
The husband who is asking the question, is invited with his wife and newborn to a fancy wedding. The wife wants to breastfeed at the wedding, not in the bathroom, because it takes her 90 minutes each feeding. The bride and the bride’s mom are requesting that she do this in the bathroom. The wife (baby’s mom) is saying if she sits in the bathroom for the feeding, she’ll essentially be at the wedding alone. She has a cape so the baby and breast will be obscured from view.
The wife
As you know, legally she is within her rights to breastfeed in public. However, is that trumped by the wishes of the hosts (bride and groom) of the party, for her not to breastfeed at their event?
For those that want to see column and responses directly, it’s on FB if you search for “Social Q’s.” I’ll add what the column’s author wrote, for those who may not have FB available.
What do you think?