General Question

LostInParadise's avatar

What is papyrus like compared to paper?

Asked by LostInParadise (32306points) November 27th, 2015

My guess is that it would be thick and grainy and probably more durable than paper. Would we be able to write on it using pencil or pen, or would it be best to use a brush the way the ancients did?

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7 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

It’s not as thick as vellum, and much more absorbent. It isn’t as smooth as most paper, you could write on it with pen or pencil, but given the expense most people would consider a high quality calligraphy pen and ink for writing on it.

Seek's avatar

Calligraphy on papyrus is a hellacious pain in the ass. It’s too rough, skips the pen, spatter everywhere…

I haven’t tried a reed pen yet, which is more likely what was used in period. I have a feeling it would work better, since the pen would be more rigid.

zenvelo's avatar

@Seek knows much more about it than I do.

LostInParadise's avatar

Thanks @zenvelo and @Seek. I have been reading the book Count Like an Egyptian, which describes ancient Egyptian mathematics. The book tries to provide some cultural context. It says that day to day calculations by the scribes were done on pottery shards, but reference tables would be on papyrus or, in rare instances, on leather. It got me to thinking about what the nature of papyrus is and what it would be like to write on it.

ibstubro's avatar

My knee-jerk was that it was like parchment, which seems totally false.
I hadn’t thought of the challenge of writing smoothly over such an uneven surface.

Seek's avatar

Parchment has the opposite problem. It’s slippery and hardly absorbent at all. Ink made for parchment has gum Arabic added just to make the ink stick to the page.

It can also be easily scraped off and reused, which is helpful.

Bgibby06's avatar

As nouns the difference between paper and papyrus is that paper is a sheet material used for writing on or printing on (or as a non-waterproof container), usually made by draining cellulose fibres from a suspension in water while papyrus is (usually|uncountable) a plant in the sedge family, cyperus papyrus , native to the nile river valley.

As a adjective paper is made of paper.
As a verb paper is to apply paper to.

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