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YARNLADY's avatar

I would like to see suggestions on how to end terrorism.

Asked by YARNLADY (46735points) November 28th, 2015

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34 Answers

Love_my_doggie's avatar

The annihilation of ISIS would end ISIS, but it wouldn’t end terrorism.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Stop messing around with other countries affairs. Stop bombing countries into the stone age.

elbanditoroso's avatar

It will never happen.

As long as their are unhappy populations – internal to a country or external to a country – there will always be some sort of tension that will lead to terror.

This isn’t anything new, of course – you can go back to the 1700s (Boston tea Party) where the revolutionaries decided to ‘terrorize’ the British.

Or the French Revolution where the Emperor was overthrown.

Remember that terrorism is not the goal. It is a means to a goal. It’s a tactic to achieve a different end. As long as there are people in groups that are fighting the mainstream for their particular goal, and are willing to hurt others, there will be terrorism.

flutherother's avatar

We could bomb them to demonstrate the futility of violence.

Jaxk's avatar

@elbanditoroso – “Remember that terrorism is not the goal.” Are you sure about that? I have no idea what the goal is other than death and destruction. You can’t reason with these guys, you can’t bargain with them. They don’t feel pity or remorse. They have no demands. They just kill indiscriminately and as outlandishly as possible.

The terrorists are like rabid dogs, both infectious and dangerous. They must be put down or they infect others. I see no concessions that could be offered, reasonable or otherwise, to make them stop. If they can attain weapons of mass destruction, I have no doubt they will use them. It sure seems like killing for killing’s sake. Of course, I could be wrong.

funkdaddy's avatar

Terrorism is just a label for violence where we try to assign a purpose. So we don’t end terrorism unless we either call it something else, or end violence all together.

So maybe the other question that applies as well is

What will finally be the catalyst to peace in the world?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Jaxk Isn’t their real goal ,to install their ideology in everyone on the Planet and if they have to kill every last one of us to do, then by Allah it shall happen.
Oh at least on those type of lines .
These nut jobs are convinced they are waging a holy war ,in their eyes we are the ones of evil and must be cut down.
Or at least that is what I get from hearing about these nut jobs,as for stopping them I don’t know if you really can they are like insects, they seem to multiply very quickly wipe out fifty and two hundred take their place.
Maybe ,and that is a little maybe if you could show these types that we all can live here and prosper, but naw that would never happen the rich want it all and the rest of us are scraping for the crumbs.

JLeslie's avatar

My idealistic self wants to think that showing kindness will help. Make sure everyone has shelter, freedom, education, jobs, and they won’t need to fight. I saw part of a special with Fareed Zakaria and it showed interviews with men fighting for ISIS in the Middle East and they kept saying how wonderful ISIS was and that now their lives are so much better.

I’m not suggesting straight communism where everyone is provided for, I don’t believe that works based on history, but there has got to be a better way to bring peace in the works and reasonable prosperity to all.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Force politicians to stop being greedy and hungry for power, which they will never do.

Here2_4's avatar

Terrorism cannot be stopped, unless all living things are wiped out. These guys kill for property, jealousy, and sport. These guys will kill because they see movement. Killing for the sake of real estate..
Hostility, killing for sport, anger, jealousy, and boredom exist at all levels of life. There is no way to end terrorism. Well, you could try worldwide sedatives.

dappled_leaves's avatar

End religion and poverty.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

NOW! NOW! @dappled_leaves the wealthy will have none of that.

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

”… But it doesn’t matter, because it’s just a ride. And we can change it any time we want. It’s only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings of money. Just a simple choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one. Here’s what we can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride. Take all that money we spend on weapons and defenses each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would pay for many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace.”
Bill Hicks

Bill1939's avatar

Violence or the threat of violence is not limited to political or religious ideological groups. Using fear to extort money and goods from businesses and individuals is a familiar practice by organized crime and gangs. Nor is terrorism limited to adult humans. Children also often bully. Many animals and birds use aggression to control resources and direct the actions of others of their kind. Since an instinct for such behavior must exist, terrorism will never be completely extinguished.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I’m afraid terrorism is here to stay. It is just too effective and certain a method of making an impact for those who are either totally committed or feel
they’ve nothing left to lose.

But Isis is particularly dangerous, and has achieved a truly unique status in that it has succeeded in establishing a functioning state in order to advance its narrative, essential to realizing its goals. The irony in this is that while the desire to restore the Caliphate remains a hopeless piece of foolishness in a modern world, Isis has hit upon a brilliant formula for achieving this. To begin with, as long as Isis holds dominion over any piece of earth formerly under the sway of the Caliphs, they can pass themselves off as the seed for the restoration of the glories of the Caliphate. This narrative is essential to the outfit’s reason for existence and grants it the patina of legitimacy. It is also the weak spot where they can be effectively put out of business, because that narrative rings false the instant Isis no longer retains a patch of ground on which to plant a flag.

The great failing in the West lies in not appreciating the urgency in the need to deprive Isis of its version of Camelot IMMEDIATELY, because while restoring the Caliphate is a ridiculous impossibility, Isis can successfully wreck the world in the attempt.

The strategy of Isis is simple and absolutely brilliant. What they have set about doing is rendering integration of Muslims with Western societies impossible. And they WILL achieve this by simply terrorizing Westerners until their populations demand “protection” from their governments. Isis can and WILL force Western governments into persecuting Muslims, and you can witness the tactic working beautifully right here. It should of course surprise no one that those of dullest wit stampede to facilitate the goals of the “Islamic state” here in the “land of the free and home of the brave”.

Here2_4's avatar

Just pondering… could we get them all addicted to PS4?

Jaxk's avatar

Sounds like many of you want Lennon‘s solution.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Not me. Not this time.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Jaxk I don’t think that is possible at this time, but what we canNOT do is lump all muslims in with these nut jobs,and that is what we seem to be doing and doing that makes them win.
I don’t think any of us want the terrorists to win,ISIS should be crushed with all means possible ,but lets not include all muslims in that crushing.

Jaxk's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 – Nobody is trying to wage war on all Muslims except the terrorists. Unfortunately as long as they are able to hide in plain sight in Muslim neighborhoods, we’ll never be able to sort them out. Until the Muslims begin to reject those that are causing the problems, we’ll continue to have these problems. Passive condemnation is not enough, they have to police their own and it isn’t happening.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Most muslims do condem these attacks ,but it gets mostly ignored.
The nut job that attacked our capital a while back was kicked out of his temple for being such a radical,they did inform the police on him and were told they couldn’t really do anything until he did something.
What more could they have done?
I mean face it if someone comes to you with very scary radical ideas what do you do, remove your self and tell the authorities what more can you do? Hell what more can anyone do?
AS for hiding in plain sight, hell don’t all nut jobs hide in plain sight until rooted out by the authorities?
They don’t have radical nut job painted on their mail box.

Judi's avatar

This may sound idealistic, but I think that the only way to beat terrorism is to refuse to be terrorized. The goal of terrorism is to incite fear and cause people to change their behavior based on that fear. If it doesn’t work then there is no reason to invest in terrorism.
Unfortunately we have done exactly what BinLaden intended. We have invested trillions in crazy wars, take our shoes off at the airport and have limited our travel. We have come up with the Patriot Act and limited our own freedoms and privacy out of fear. We have allowed ourselves to be terrorized.
Good to see you @YARNLADY!

JLeslie's avatar

@Judi I don’t think it’s just that they want to change our behavior. I think they want to kill people. Do they give clear messages of how we need to change for them to stop? Do they want the world to convert and then they will stop? They want land and control of the people. That’s the way I perceive it anyway. The people in power want that, the people actually doing the fighting maybe think they are protecting their people and maybe they think they are fighting for peace? I’m really not sure.

I do agree that possibly if we ignore them we are better off, because the amount if money spent is so astronomical. I think if we stop retaliating we will save some money, but we will still continue to have losses from terrorism both people and property.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 “AS for hiding in plain sight, hell don’t all nut jobs hide in plain sight until rooted out by the authorities?”

Hell, in the US, they even hide in plain sight with openly carried guns.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Sure I don’t get when @jaxk says Muslims have to do a better job at policing themselves, all anyone can do is inform the authorities if they are concerned about someone.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Yes, the Ottawa shooting that you mentioned was a perfect example of this.

clairedanajames's avatar

We all want to see an end to terrorism, but world peace is something one cannot achieve. My point is, you can’t kill people to show you want the world not to kill anyone else. Spending billions in making arms deals isn’t the right way, I guess

msh's avatar

Theirs is not to mindlessly kill. Terroristic thoughts, at this time, center around getting all over to mark the end of the world at one specific point. Unable to recite the Koran? See ya.
Bin Laden- back in the day, was here in the US. He was trained by the US to fight the Russians in Chechnya. On-the-job training. It must have been a bitter alliance. We sure poked a stick at those we were to be ‘training’. What happened? Double crossed? No weapon cashe as promised? Were we too pompous to those in bad circumstances to begin with?
Bin Laden’s whole design, HIS agenda was to cause the Americans to feel the same loss and horror that was common wherever he looked in his environment. If the US struggled when attempting to establish itself so long ago, he reasoned, then we needed a reminder. An update of new weaponry and warfare experiences.
He was successful.
These later generations have varying interests:
To kill.
To take away.
To stop foriegn or religious intrusions of any kind.
To create a patriarchal religious sect in charge of all decisions- everyday to far-reaching.
To have a more-secular hold against a wanton and sinful Western idealology.
To cause the end of the world for their own, (each sector’s) version of establishing the end of all.
Conquer and bring about an elite group of the true religion’s spiritual leaders. No one is sure which group does the best job of working to bring this about. They cannot even agree upon this factor.
Might the best course of action be to continue to divide and conquer? To create mistust in each group/sector’s leaders?
A kingdom falls in upon itself if it is rife with mistrust and power plays amongst itself. This is, I believe, IMO- what many are concentrating upon instead of beginning the suicide operation of ‘boots-on-the-ground’ mentality.
Why, just look at the Western World’s success- Turkey and Russia!
Create a disagreement amongst to conquer….thanks for that venture into another’s air space to further your own interests around there, Vladmire!
Does anyone ever remember a media blitz from Russia showing the grief and outpouring for the loss of one single military pilot’s death?
Me either.

msh's avatar

Have you ever wondered that if Bin Laden had not been killed as we all witnessed, that perhaps the extremists might have been plotting to have him killed because he was not secular enough? They might have been in the process of considering how to shed him from power. ISIL would not have tolerated some of his habits found within his last residence.
What if’s, eh?

Here2_4's avatar

@msh , no; I have not wondered. He lived a long time with his behavior. Whoever got to him first is fine by me. I wish the CIA would go back to hiring mercenaries, and take out a few more key figures.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@msh I think you mean they would kill him for being too secular. The point to remember is that there is always going to be someone ready to devote fearsome service to one or another delusional stupidity. Objectively, those who believe this a war with Islam have a point, though it is more about a struggle over a particular view of Islam. The peculiar thing about folks eager to slaughter and blow stuff up for Islam is that their diagnosis is correct. Just as with the rest of the world’s outdated religions, relentless secular realities grind away at the relevance of their beliefs. You might suppose that this grasp of an underlying but rather obvious truth might lead to the solution adopted by the world’s other faiths and most Muslims as well- back pedal and adjust. But nope. Our boys have determined that the future lies in warring against modernity itself. They’re losers.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Until religion is forced to take a back seat then this will continue. The next step is to bring repressed cultures out of the dark ages. Really these two things have to happen simultaneously. Give people something to live for and a quality of life that is worth keeping then I think we’ll see less anger, fear, struggle and desperation. You know, the things violent, hateful religion feed on.

msh's avatar

@stanleybmanly -Thank you for the save.
You have hit the nail on the head. I agree. I was trying to find some ribbon of sense in this mess. I get really upset at what is being destroyed. All those murdered. I can not find the words used by the zealots as their truth. You can’t say all they decry as truly sinful and then offer up the dead of non-followers, cause Armageddon to end it all, and offer it up as a positive and loving gift to Allah. This isn’t what I have read of the Koran.
How on this green earth did they gain such a foothold? Even current dictators want to continue their power and control. Perhaps I am missing the biggest piece of the puzzle? I don’t think a gathering in Yalta is going to end things this time.

Ombliss22's avatar

Historically all terrorism was committed for a perceived religious ideology, religion must be removed by education.

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