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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Have you ever gotten the lyrics wrong?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25107points) November 28th, 2015

From Enterprise “faith of the heart” to “faith in Picard”. Also “demon Californication” from whatever the real lyrics are.

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16 Answers

Darth_Algar's avatar

“Blinded by the light/Revved up like a douche/I’ve got a boner in the night” (ELO – ‘Blinded By the Light’)

“Looking for a lover who won’t blow my brother/She’s so hard to find” (The Eagles – ‘Take It Easy’)

“She’s got electric boobs/Her mom does too/You know I read it in a magazine” (Elton John – ‘Benny and the Jets’)

Seek's avatar

For an embarrassingly long time, I thought the lyrics to Sheryl Crow’s “All I Wanna Do” included the words “until the sun comes up and the saints and Monica go to bars”.

In fairness it’s a bad song, and I had never heard of Santa Monica.

Seek's avatar

I’m also with @Darth_Algar and Bennie and the Jets, except mine was, “better than a bag of Dor-eeee-tos”

zenvelo's avatar

This is a common phenomenon, called Mondegreen.

The one I had wrong for a long time was from Steve Miller: “big ol’ jet had a light on”.

janbb's avatar

“There’s a Bathroom on the Right” – Creedence Clearwater Revival

kritiper's avatar

Who? Me? NEVER!

“Well I was cruising down the road in a new Cadillac-
I had a fine foxy broad, I had Guido in the back.”

Cruiser's avatar

@Darth_Algar Not only do you get the lyrics all wrong, you got the band wrong too! Blinded By the Light was recorded by Manfred Mann. ;)

Cruiser's avatar

Dire Straits: Money For Nothing
Money for nothin’ and chips for free

Darth_Algar's avatar


Well technically it was Manfred Mann’s Earth Band. :P

But yes, had a bit of a brain fart above.

zenvelo's avatar

@Darth_Algar @Cruiser And it was written by Bruce Springsteen.

janbb's avatar

^^ Indeed and recorded by him as well.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

I don’t know how I heard it, since it is not even close, but Eric Clapton’s ”Cocaine” I always heard, ”Sell the wife, sell the car, sell the kids, cocaine” instead of ”She don’t lie, she don’t lie, she don’t lie, cocaine”.

Darth_Algar's avatar

@zenvelo @janbb

Yes, but we’re not talking about Springsteen’s considerably less garbled version.

filmfann's avatar

I got an iPod a few months ago, and started loading songs onto it, but I had a hard time with one I couldn’t remember the title of. I knew it had the lyrics:
“Suzie Darlin’ Suzie!
Suzie rich girl smile!”

It was actually
“Sooth me darlin’ sooth me!
Sooth me with your eyes!”

hey, I got 1 word right!

Haleth's avatar

I never knew the correct line in Hotel California is “her mind is Tiffany-twisted, she’s got the Mercedes Bends.”

Also that song always reminds me of the Dude’s rant about the Eagles in the Big Lebowski.

LostInParadise's avatar

The song Groovin’ has the line, “You and me endlessly”, which I took for “You and me and Leslie”. I could not figure out who Leslie was.

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