General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Have you read / heard any of the Republican candidates say anything about the terrorist attack in Colorado Springs on Friday?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33685points) November 29th, 2015

They have been curiously silent, at least in my viewing and reading. The only one who said anything at all is Ted Cruz, and he spoke about the wounded people.

Is the inflammatory anti-Planned Parenthood rhetoric (which appears to have motivated these killings) going to deflect back on to the candidates?

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8 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

I have yet to hear anyone make a salient and reasonable connection to what this deranged wombat did to be characterized as a terrorist. His actions merely serve as a glaring example of the dysfunction of the Government to adequately vet who is able to buy guns and ammunition.

Inara27's avatar

So what is the difference between the actions of this nut job, and those committed bymembers of Daesh? At what point does it become terrorism? For one, when consistent actions are done in effort to terrorize people into changing their behavior…as was done here. Workers at planned parenthood will fear for their lives, as will the patients.

This is not an isolated incident, so I would say it is a pattern of terrorism promoted by the most radical parts of the pro-life movement.

For example.

JLeslie's avatar

Great Question. So many people bitching about Muslims not speaking out about Muslim terrorists, where are the people who constantly bitch about PP? Shouldn’t they be speaking out about how this is not the way to go about shutting PP down?

This is terrorism. Just two months ago the young woman who cleaned my hotel room told me she was leaving her job soon to be some sort of assistant in the medical field. She said she was thinking of applying to a children’s medical center or a place where they do abortions, but quickly followed that with being afraid the abortion clinic would be dangerous. PP has been terrorized for many many years. It’s no different than stepping into a black church or Jewish synagogue. The risk is still statiscally low you will be in the one that has the attack, but you can help but know those places are sometimes targeted.

jaytkay's avatar

There’s no need to speak now, the Republicans had there say before the shooting. They got what they wanted.

”[Planned Parenthood] is like an abortion factory, which is terrible. So you should defund anyway. But those videos are horrible. Every time you see them, they get worse and worse.’s like you are selling parts to an automobile or something”. – Donald Trump

During the CNN GOP Reagan Library Debate, Sen. Ted Cruz says Planned Parenthood is a ‘criminal enterprise

[Planned Parenthood] engages “in the systematic murder of children in the womb to preserve their body parts… in a way that maximizes their value for sale for profit” – Chris Christie

“Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.” ” – Carli Fiorina lying about a video that does not exist

“Now what you’ve done is you’ve created an industry-now what you’ve done is you’ve created an incentive for people to be pushed into abortions so that those [fetal] tissues can be harvested and sold for a profit,” – Marco Rubio

Fox News contributor Erick Erickson says Planned Parenthood president “Cecile Richards is the closest we have come in America to Josef Mengele.”

“And that’s how it is with abortion clinics. Each one is a for-profit concentration camp, and together it took them less than half a century to murder 50 million human beings. In fact, the similarities between the Nazis and the abortion industry run even deeper, as the former were also known to chop their victims up and sell parts of them for profit.” – Glenn Beck’s The Blaze

jaytkay's avatar

OK, now they’re speaking after their shooting.

Trump repeated his auto parts comparison, regarding the Republican hoax videos. “Well, I will tell you there is a tremendous group of people that think it’s terrible, all of the videos that they’ve seen with some of these people from Planned Parenthood talking about it like you’re selling parts to a car. I mean, there are a lot of people that are very unhappy about that,” he said.

Carly Fiorina says nobody should link conservative murderer who said “no more body parts” to “anyone who opposes the sale of body parts.”

filmfann's avatar

Huckabee, Carson, and Fiorina have all said the act was despicable, and completely unconnected to any of the shit that has been coming out of their mouths.

I’m paraphrasing

jerv's avatar

It is worth noting that Ted Cruz, the de facto Tea Party candidate, is not extreme enough to get the votes of the average Conservative. That means that any Republican candidate scoring well enough to even have a longshot at the nomination is to the right of an entity that is to the right of the party that defines “The Right”.

@Inara27 ~The difference is that Christian fanatics are infallible, blameless creatures.

Inara27's avatar

@jerv, I agree. As a lawyer once said, never ask a question in court for which you don’t already know the answer.

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