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Dutchess_III's avatar

Have you ever been tackled or taken down by a dog?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) November 30th, 2015

What caused the dog to do it, and how did you react?

We got our white German Shepherd, Dakota, when she was about two. We got her from a guy who just wanted to get rid of her because she was useless.

We owned the mower shop at the time, and there was a long, grassy strip across the side street that ran by the shop. It was owned by the railroad. So there were tracks, and then about 40 feet of nothing but grass on either side of the tracks.
I used to take Dakota over there to run and play and get some exercise.

We’d had her about two weeks, and she’d gotten to know and trust us. I took her over to play. She ran about 15 yards from me after a ball I’d thrown, and turned around to bring it back. Suddenly she dropped the ball, her head went up, her eyes glistened like “WOW!” and with a big grin on her face she started running at me. She was cool to watch when she ran. She was like a powerful, flowing ghost.

So this powerful, flowing ghost is racing toward me at about 90 miles an hour. I just stood rooted to the spot, my eyes getting bigger and bigger and bigger because she wasn’t slowing down and she wasn’t changing direction! She was charging straight at me with NO hesitation at all!

Suddenly she LEAPED into the air and planted all four paws, which she’d made into one big hammer, square in the middle of my chest! Knocked me on my ass!

So, I’m laying there, flat on my back, the wind knocked out of me, staring at the sky in shock when Dakota came and stood over me, panting hot breath in my face, just laughing and laughing!
I’m like, “Why the hell did you do that, dipshit??”
She just said, “I’m an attack dog! That’s what I’m trained to do! I did a good job, didn’t I! Wasn’t it FUN!?”
I’m like, “No you maroon! It was not fun, and don’t do it again!”
Her tail dropped, her head dropped and she laid down and put her head on my shoulder and softly said, “I’m sorry.”
She was so sad.
It’s a good thing this was all through telepathy because I still couldn’t talk.

I finally sat up, and she sat in front of me with her head down.
Using my words, and holding her face in my hands, my nose almost touching hers, I said, “I’m not mad. Just don’t do it again. No.”

And she never did.

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26 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

You can talk to animals?

Dutchess_III's avatar

You can talk to Dakota. She is very, very smart. Really super smart.

marinelife's avatar

We had a whippet and a shepherd. The whippet was extremely fast—too fast for the shepherd to catch except that she was much smarter than the whippet who was running for the joy of running. My shepherd would take vectors to cut off the whippet.

One day the whippet was streaking by me and then changed direction. The shepherd tried to change direction, but crashed full tilt into me. I lay on the ground, stunned, breath knocked out of me, wondering if my legs would ever work again.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! Them’s some big dogs, huh @marinelife!

stanleybmanly's avatar

When I was a kid we had a neighbor with a huge wolf like dog that just couldn’t understand that he was not the same as the cat in his household. He would knock you down from sheer excitement at seeing you, then lick your face and drool all over you tail a waggin. He was the oddest dog you’d ever want to see, and he KNEW what he was doing because the little kids on the block wouldn’t get the full on takedown. Job (his full name was nut job) would nudge the toddlers over with his big nose , then lick and drool. We finally figured out that the dog’s real goal wasn’t to knock you down, but rather to lick your face. You could spare yourself a fall by simply sitting down. But most of the little kids WANTED the full treatment, and would squeal and giggle at the mere appearance of Jobby.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Oh yeah. And he was a gentleman. The girls too (up to a certain size) would get the nose job as well.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Cool. I had a Snuffy dog who loved socks with knots in them. She’d shake them and shake them like a terrier, but she wasn’t a terrier. The daycare kids used to grab the other end of the sock and Snuffy would just sling them back and forth until they went flying! A good time was had by all.

longgone's avatar

About a dozen times, I’d guess. Most memorably, by a huge foster dog. Made me tear a ligament. Most recently, by my puppy, when he was overjoyed to find me, hidden behind a tree.

Apparently_Im_The_Grumpy_One's avatar

I’ve tripped over my Pug before. But he was just anxious to get a treat and I didn’t see him. Does that count?

dxs's avatar

When I was younger, I was petting a dog and it bit my head. I had to get seven staples in my head.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Not tackled, but bitten. That day was long long ago, when I was about 7 or 8. I was playing in a friend’s house. He got an overly aggressive dog. We was chasing each other around, when suddenly the dog came from nowhere and bit me. I had been underestimating the dog’s power until then.

And at one point there was a big dog living opposite my house that was either fond of my family, or just couldn’t recognize who its owner was. Every time we got out the dog ran out and pushed us down and licked. The dog was as big and heavy as an adult man and it was hard to get away from it once it pushed us down. My father despised it because he hated being licked, and I couldn’t describe how happy he was when that family moved.

Seek's avatar

My dog is overly attached to me, and likes to lie down behind my feet while I’m cooking. Someday I’ll break his back tripping over him.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I fear more for your own back!

jca's avatar

When I was about 13, a good friend had a Doberman and it bit me on the leg. My mom took me to the ER and my friend’s mom paid the bill. Otherwise, no, never bitten and never attacked.

Another friend’s grandson was attacked by a neighbor’s pit bull. The dog ripped the boy’s ear off and mauled his arm. I believe the dog had to be put down and the boy was traumatized, emotionally.

Jaxk's avatar

I had a black Lab that we got as a puppy. I used to wrestle with him on the floor but with those needle sharp puppy teeth, I would put on a pair of leather gloves. It was great fun for both of us but as he grew a little older we did it less. One night we were going to a formal dinner and since it was December in Chicago, I had on my best suit and overcoat. Just before we left I pulled on my gloves. When I turned around the dog jumped on me with all four feet and was in full out attack mode. Not mean but playful. I quickly realized that I had taught him ‘gloves meant playtime’. It was quite a shock. He was disappointed but I wasn’t mad at him either. One of those lessons you learn.

Coloma's avatar

I have been sexually assaulted by a giant Doberman Pinscher. haha
Years ago I was dating someone that had a huge, red Dobie named “Trouble.” The dog had never been aggressive with me but was aloof and stand offish. One night my boyfriend went out to the store and I got down on all fours in the living room to do some exercises and the dog jumped me and started trying to hump me from behind.

I was scared he might get aggressive if I freaked out so I just started talking to him gently telling him to get down, and finally he released his doggy grip on me. I was really afraid this dog might just grab my face if I turned around or got aggressive with him. I never liked that dog, Dobermans have no facial expression at all, like too tight face lifts, with those beady little evil almond shaped eyes.

Dutchess_III's avatar


Coloma's avatar

^^^ LOL

Dutchess_III's avatar

We had an acquaintance who had a ½ wolf dog. He lived on a farm. Every time we went over there that dog violated me. Violated me! I’d be just standing there and he’d sneak up from behind and shove his nose on my crotch so hard I could swear the fabric was going to rip! I had to remain seated at all times.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Do you suppose he had “ambitions”? Did he only “favor” you?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I asked the guy if the dog did that to all the girls and should I be jealous? He said there were a couple others, but he wasn’t as rapey with them. I also have a white female German Shepherd so there is that.
Here is his dog. I guess it’s not really a wolf, but it sure acted like one. Leggy, springy, a little skittish but not afraid. And rapey.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Handsome animal. Probably accustomed to having his way with the ladies.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Most animals do!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

A huge pit pull head butted me in the croch. I was in pain for a day.

Coloma's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 At least it didn’t grab you by the Antler in your Pantlers. lol

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