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How do you quantify an ”outlandish question”?
disclaimer As much as I would like to have this in General to keep the hijacking at bay and people who may have short attention spans from wondering, it might have been kicked to Meta seeing it deals with question here. Let’s try to keep on point thought it is not in general.
Not much tickles my brain matter in these parts lately, but a comment by @hearkat ”I have always appreciated that HC does make that effort, although his Qs are often difficult to understand because of grammatical errors or poor phrasing, or the subjects they seem to be about can sometimes be outlandish, he deserves credit for at least contributing content and attempting to start conversations.”, had me thinking on it most of the day and then some. If an outlandish question by dictionary view is strange, off beat, or bizarre what would that be? I know with wide latitude on what a person sees as outlandish it is more about understanding where this body’s level or medium is on outlandish. Myself, I have thought plenty of questions that could fit outlandish here, as well as boring, asinine, etc. Would a question wanting to know if is legal to give someone permission to sex up your dead corpse outlandish, or a zombie apocalypse that has no plausible way of happening in this universe but only in the strangest regions of someone’s mind outlandish? Where do you place the line or how low or high the bar?
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