Social Question

What is the latest prophecy on the end of days you've heard, most recently?
It never fails that December brings about another end of days predictions. It’s starting to be an almost yearly thing. I viewed a video today that calls the US Babylon and that the fall will start with the fall of President Obama by January 1, 2016. He also goes on to mention of the secrecy the Catholic church has to keep it quiet and that only 4 people in the world know this. But he has uncovered this secret.
Anyhow, these so call predictions have been around, since before, I was born. I was even rushed into baptism early because the world was suppose to end before my first birthday.
So needless to say, I can’t help but make fun of these prophecies.
I wonder how many other versions there are for the end of days arriving with 2016.
By the way, this is just for fun. I just like hearing the latest on the end of days.