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janbb's avatar

French (Canadian) speakers: What does "tabernacle" signify when used as a curse word?

Asked by janbb (63346points) December 2nd, 2015

I’m reading a mystery series set in Quebec in which it is exclaimed from time to time. What does it mean and what is its derivation?

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13 Answers

thorninmud's avatar

It’s one of several “sacres” (essentially swear words) derived from the strongly Catholic heritage of Quebec. They don’t have any particular significance related to the literal meaning of the word. Like swear words that carry a sexual connotation, they have a certain potency simply because they’re somewhat taboo. In the case of these “sacres”, their use is religiously naughty.

Some similar expressions are ” câlice”, “ostie”, “crisse”...

janbb's avatar

Sacre bleu!! You knew it, Buddhist Priest!

elbanditoroso's avatar

I just got off the phone from a friend in Toronto. He said that it was really “Tabernac” (not the LE) which is said as an expletive.

He also said that it was not nearly as powerful in 2015 as it was to hear it 25–30 years ago.

dappled_leaves's avatar

As @elbanditoroso said, although its origin is in “tabernacle”, it is pronounced “tabarnac” – Québecois is all about contractions, about speaking very rapidly.

Functionally, I guess it is used as one would say “goddammit” or “fuck”. It’s kind of a throwaway swear word. So, “Stop messing around, fuck!” becomes “Arrête don’ d’niaiser, tabarnac!”

Tangentially, since you speak French, I think you would really enjoy this primer on Québecois for French speakers. I really wish I had discovered it in time to share it with Gail.

janbb's avatar

@dappled_leaves Thanks. I got from the context that that’s how it was used; just couldn’t figure out why but thorny’s post makes it clear. Will look at the site.

janbb's avatar

Ha! Clicked on the video and it said it is not available in my country. Tabernac!

dappled_leaves's avatar

Your usage is perfect. Well done!

Damn, I’m sad that Americans can’t watch it – though I feel your pain; a lot of videos people link here are unavailable in my country.

janbb's avatar

I love that I have a curse word that I can use at the reference desk!

dappled_leaves's avatar

Haha! But do you have to whisper it?

janbb's avatar


dappled_leaves's avatar

For any who are interested, here is a version of the video that I posted earlier that can be viewed in the US: Québécois pour les nuls (title translates as “The Québécois Language for Dummies”).

Zaku's avatar

It’s not just tabernac, either, you can use almost any Catholic word as a Quebecois curse, it seems. Chatechism!!

janbb's avatar

Pretre pedophile – c’est un sacre aussi?

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