Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Are the people we train, and arm, going to be our enemies tomorrow?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25069points) December 2nd, 2015

In the middle east our old allies turned on us or became evil. What about the people that we are training to fight ISIL? Will we have to fight them later?

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6 Answers

johnpowell's avatar

Yeah.. We are already doing it. See, al-Qaeda.

It is a endless war.

elbanditoroso's avatar

The conspiracy theorists (and the Military Industrial Complex fanatics) would say – Yes, of course, that’s what we want.

The more conflict, the better their business is.

Here2_4's avatar

The old saying comes to mind, “I taught you everything you know, but I didn’t teach you everything I know.”

Apparently_Im_The_Grumpy_One's avatar

Being as we can no longer drop atom bombs on people demolishing entire civilizations…... training locals is still a viable method of helping to control broken societies. It’s not as if every single ally turned like a rabid dog. There are always evil people. There are evil Americans shooting each other every day who were taught by their parents.. or their hunting club.. or their ROTC instructors.. There are Brits joining ISIL for Pete’s sake.. so what’s the difference?

To answer the question bluntly: No. Not all of them. Yes. Some of them. We can’t approach it as simply as “we’re training our future enemies”. That’s incorrect.. and too vague to be considered accurate.

syz's avatar

History would indicate “yes”.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s a reliable prediction. And of course weaponry ls about the only thing left that can be labeled “made in America”

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