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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

How will you celebrate National Cookie Day?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37831points) December 4th, 2015

I’ve seen a number of reports that today is National Cookie Day.

Let’s celebrate!

What do you suggest?

Recipes or favorites welcomed.

I adore Walker’s shortbread.

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33 Answers

Stinley's avatar

I just ate a chocolate digestive. Does that count? I’ll eat another in a celebratory manner!

Jeruba's avatar

Hmm, maybe I should bake something.

About time for cinnamon-sugar cookies, maybe. (I don’t call them by their dumb-sounding popular name.) They always seem festive to me, even without added decorations.

Cinnamon-Sugar Cookies

Preheat oven to 350.

Cream together:

1 cup softened butter or margarine* (I use 1 stick each)
1½ cups white sugar


2 eggs, lightly beaten

Then sift together & add:

2¾ cups flour
2 tsp cream of tartar
1 tsp baking soda
½ tsp salt

Make into little balls (chill 1 hr. first if necessary for manageability) and roll in ½ sugar – ½ cinnamon mixture (2 tbsp. each should do). I make them smaller than golf balls—maybe about 1” diameter or a little more.

Bake on greased sheet or parchment, 5 – 8 minutes (my oven needs longer). Watch out—they’re round and will roll off! Be sure to keep the baking sheet level on the way into the oven.

*Margarine: some brands these days have very high water content and melt down very badly, leaving insubstantial, collapsed cookies that you can’t even slide off the sheet—they just accordion onto themselves. Check composition and choose carefully.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Pardon me, boss. I need time off to go to @Jeruba‘s house to test a recipe.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Lunch is over. It’s time for a cuppa and some shortbread.

cookieman's avatar

To celebrate, I shall request that people hug me.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@cookieman: {{{HUGS}}}

and a small nibble

janbb's avatar

I was planning to snuggle up to you @cookieman and maybe just a tiny bite.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

^^ I saw him first.

JLeslie's avatar

I love cookies. I’m using up things in my pantry, because I will be moving. I have a can of almond paste, so I guess almond cookies are in order. I probably won’t get to it today, but I’ll plan to do it this weekend. It will be perfect, because I’m having breakfast with a friend Monday and I can give her half of them.

chyna's avatar

@cookieman {{{Hugs}}} and maybe a quick lick.

janbb's avatar

He’s a big @cookieman – plenty for all to share but most for me.

marinelife's avatar

I overcelebrated it yesterday by buying a box of chocolate covered peppermint joe joes from Trader Joes. They are so good!

elbanditoroso's avatar

I was just at Costco and bought 18 of them….chocolate chip.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

^^ Sharing is caring.

dxs's avatar

I got a free cookie from Subway today. It’s because I filled out a survey, though.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I need to buy milk on my way home.

Could Oreos find their way into my basket?

janbb's avatar

O @cookieman where you gonna run to?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Dilemma: I don’t want a package of cookies from the grocery store. I want a cookie from a bakery. I don’t know where such a bakery is.

Buttonstc's avatar

I’m going to open a fresh jar of Biscoff Cookie Butter. And since its made from cookies, its much better than actual cookies. Just imagine delicious spreadable cookies.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

^^I love that stuff.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Heaven! I found macadamia nut shortbread made with butter! Perfect!

Buttonstc's avatar


Is it regularly available in your neck of the woods?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Please, for the love of God, don’t get me started! Too late. Did anyone notice that for a brief time Costco had these $10
boxes of Tate’s chocolate chip cookies?

cookieman's avatar

Thanks for the hugs, bites, nibbles, and licks. I had to lay down for a bit.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Get up you bum! Get back here and suffer with the rest of us.

marinelife's avatar

@cookieman Not to jump on the bandwagon late (I’ve always loved you!), but I wouldn’t mind a piece of that too!

cookieman's avatar

Ahh, if only I could clone myself. In a batch maybe. Say, a dozen.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@cookieman you’d better find a way or run or else all of you will be in my stomach!

janbb's avatar

Cookiemen rollin’ all over de place!

stanleybmanly's avatar

Turn yourself in now. Nothing is more hopeless than futile ambitions on “hiding the cookies”.

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