Care to guess what will happen when @marinelife reaches 60,000 lurve?
Asked by
ibstubro (
December 6th, 2015
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37 Answers
Angels will sing. The heavens will open, and peace will rain down.
Awards don’t appear on the list until someone wins them. The same thing happened when the first person hit 50K.
Haha..great tune. One does not need provisions to throw a party, for any reason. There only needs to be a host and a guest list. Party on!
All I want to know is will there be an open bar?
@SQUEEKY2 I should hope so! haha
I will bring a pan of my famous herbal brownies but it’s an either/or, you can have one or the other but not both unless you want to go down in the hot tub. lol
Anyone want to join in for a congratulatory trip?
I’m quivering in antici-, pation!
The wheels will fall off the wagon and the wagon will just keep floating along.
I think that it would be cute if the award would be sponge-bob related.
@marinelife, who’s already a friend, will officially become my hero. She’ll be Fluther royalty, and I’ll be her willing handmaiden and lady-in-waiting.
She will become the first one I will introduce to newbies as a Fluther icon.
Ben will pull-the-plug.. Don’t let this happen!
@SavoirFaire Wait really? That’s pretty interesting. Makes me think of some other questions: So what other unearthed awards are there? How many 10xK awards did they go up to?
@dxs It’s a mystery! Better keep Fluthering to find out!
You’re starting to sound like a Fluther ad.
@dxs It’s not my fault that Fluther is a fat-free treat for the whole family! Open 24 hours a day! No money down!
The mansion will topple over and Poseidon will swallow his trident!
It will trigger the Zombie Apocalypse
@dxs You get a free set of steak knives and this handy dandy pen that works underwater!
Unfortunately, your post is currently 49 minutes old.
Isn’t it fitting that the first jelly to reach 60k has a name that references aquatic creatures?
Donald Trump will feel threatened and send out a nasty tweet.
With all the fanfare, global warming will reverse! ~
It will be the end of the world as we now it.
@janbb Was that a typo, or was it some profound wordplay highlighting the transitory nature of existence?
I’ll take your second answer for $300, @SavoirFaire. :-) I think I actually meant to put in the word “know” after “now.”
Tom Brady will retire from the NFL and find a nice quiet place to go fuck himself.
Marinelife ascends to the 60K mansion where he is fed grapes hand peeled by the Mods. Meanwhile the Fluther servers start to overheat and emit smoke. The Internet begins to melt.
There will be a rip in the fabric of space/time and we will all experience one nanosecond of transcendence that feels like several lifetimes. Jimi Hendrix, Beethoven, Michael Jackson, and Kurt Kobain will step through this celestial doorway and deliver the most epic concert of all time. The celebration will be broadcast on every TV and radio around the world and people all over will pause to watch and listen.
A massive flotilla of balloons the size of a city block will be released into the air. Animals will dance on their hind legs and delicious food will spontaneously cook itself. World peace will finally be accomplished. @Marinelife, too humble to make herself known publicly, will enjoy it all from the comfort of her home, perhaps with a cup of tea and one browser window open to fluther.
I’d love to hear Jimi’s cover of “Beat It” and “Dirty Diana” (hmmmm, reminds me of “Dolly Dagger”).
@flutherother Aparently Marinelife has a sex change operation before ascending to heaven!
Oh dear, apologies @marinelife.
@janbb I missed an ‘s’ and you missed a ‘p’.
Is this one of those Y2K scary things?
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