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Kardamom's avatar

Are any of you baking special holiday cookies, cakes, or other desserts this year?

Asked by Kardamom (33609points) December 7th, 2015

I usually make gingerbread or pumpkin bread loaves for friends and neighbors. This year, I’m avoiding those, because one of my friends has a bunch of allergies (or intolerances) to all sorts of things that she wasn’t previously allergic to. She can’t eat any kind of nuts or cinnamon, or bananas, or eggs. My neighbor across the street has a daughter who is allergic to peanuts and cinnamon. I also like to make a chocolate covered nut candy, so that’s probably out too, and no banana bread.

I like making loaf cakes, because they’re easy to make and easy to package, and people seem to enjoy them, but this year, I’m either not going to make them, or try to figure out some other type of loaf bread that doesn’t have any of the banned items. Maybe I’ll find a lemon loaf bread recipe, or maybe I’ll do shortbread (not a loaf and a little more involved, and hard to package so it looks nice, because it’s crumbly, although it tastes marvelous).

What are you guys making?

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10 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

I’m trying to warm up to the idea of baking a bunch of cookies. A neighbor is hosting an open house and cookie swap next week. You wrap them in little bundles of six or eight and take out as many as you put in. Isn’t that a great idea? I’d like to go and swap some cookies. But I haven’t baked any in a while, for several very different reasons, and so it’s a little bit of work to overcome some resistance.

I haven’t made gingerbread in ages, either. Warm gingerbread heaped with real whipped cream—what a treat.

You will inspire me, @Kardamom.

ucme's avatar

We have staff for that.

jca's avatar

Every year I have grand notions of doing all sorts of baking but the reality is that between work parties (many), friends’ parties (few) and work, I am so strapped for time. It never happens and it hasn’t happened since I can remember. Maybe when I’m retired.

I look at recipes, magazines, pictures, blogs, and I may save recipes, but rarely do I bake anything.

I always say when you look at magazines during holiday season, they have people decorating beautifully, baking cookies, writing cards out by the fireplace while sipping hot chocolate, doing all these wonderful things and it’s not realistic for me or for most people that I know. We’re all working, hustling, dealing with kids and whatever else.

This year the one thing I think I may have to make is Jamaican Black Cake. My daughter’s friend’s mom is Jamaican and I was talking to her about it, and she wants to try some, which will inspire me to make it because otherwise, it’s easy to put it off till another year.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

<—- volunteer taster

Seek's avatar

I’m looking forward to Christmas cookies this year. It will, once again, sadden me that my grandmother’s recipes are lost (damned family) but I will try to recreate the feeling if not the flavor as much as possible.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

We made a Christmas cake. I might make a nice slice of some type.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

No. Not this year, doctor has me on greatly reduced sugars and starches diet.

Cupcake's avatar

I’m on a very restricted diet… but I think I will candy orange rind and maybe ginger.

One of my favorites is buckyeyes. I can probably sub in almond butter for the peanut butter and coconut oil for the butter.

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