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janbb's avatar

FB query: I have timeline review on but things are still being shared on my timeline?

Asked by janbb (63362points) December 7th, 2015

Is there something else I should check? Some posts are held for review and some just seem to appear without my oking them. What’s that about?

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9 Answers

jca's avatar

I wish I knew because sometimes people post things on my timeline and I see other friends have “liked” them, which shows me that people can see them before I approve them. Other things are not able to be viewed by friends if I don’t approve them.

Facebook can be so confusing sometimes with privacy settings and things like that, I wish they made it simpler.

janbb's avatar

Yes, exactly!

Seek's avatar

They’ve recently changed some things in the privacy settings. If you haven’t checked in there in a while, you should review your settings. They just started sending my husband a text every time someone ever did anything on his page, without us telling them to do so. That was annoying.

janbb's avatar

@Seek I did look it over again and it seemed right.

janbb's avatar

They also seem to have done away with “hide this post” and “see fewer posts like this.”

dappled_leaves's avatar

I may be wrong about this, but I think the posts show up on your Timeline regardless of whether you have approved them. When you approve them, they’ll show up in your friends’ Newsfeeds. I can’t explain why @jca has people liking and commenting on unapproved posts, though. @jca, does the review apply to everyone on your friends list, or just certain subgroups?

You might try using your Security settings to see what your Timeline looks like from a specific friend’s point of view, to see what’s visible and what’s not.

dammitjanetfromvegas's avatar

Posts do not show on my timeline unless I approve them.

Are you tagged with other friends in the posts that people are liking, or are you the only person tagged?

janbb's avatar

@dammitjanetfromvegas It’s mainly things that someone shared with me.

CrifJohnson's avatar

Timeline review lets you choose whether posts you’re tagged in appear on your Timeline. Keep in mind that posts you’re tagged in can also appear in News Feed, search and other places on Facebook.
When people you’re not friends with tag you in a post, they automatically go to Timeline review. If you’d also like to review tags by friends, you can turn on Timeline review for tags from anyone.

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