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flutherother's avatar

Saddam Hussein has just been elected president of the United States. Will you change your behaviour in any way?

Asked by flutherother (34982points) December 7th, 2015

Bear in mind he has full access to the NSA CIA and FBI records and will know what you are thinking.

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21 Answers

Seek's avatar

Also he is a zombie.

flutherother's avatar

@Seek Or someone similar who is alive. Not too preposterous a thought.

Seek's avatar

Someone who is alive, but also not a US citizen and is a known enemy diplomat, and is also omniscient?

I don’t understand this question.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Not sure why you picked Saddam Hussein.

I think that you could have chosen Ted Cruz, for example, and the results would be the same.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Well if it does turn out to be Trump, do you think you guys can talk him into do that fence thing with Canada as well as Mexico?

elbanditoroso's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 – it all depends on who he appoints as the Secretary of De-Fence

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I would move to Canada. No wait I am already here.

flutherother's avatar

I used Saddam as an example of an unscrupulous immoral dictator who is completely ruthless. With government agencies and modern technology at his command his power would be almost absolute. But it can’t happen here can it?

msh's avatar

Make sure to exchange plenty of cash for euros.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@elbanditoroso “it all depends on who he appoints as the Secretary of De-Fence”

I thought that guy only took down fences. I admired his work on the Berlin wall.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Or any of the Republican hopefuls , @flutherother ?

Mimishu1995's avatar

Kim Yong-Un has just been elected president of the United States. Will you change your behaviour in any way?

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

He was in office already, his initials GWB. The renegade from Crawford’s Ranch less anyone forgot.

filmfann's avatar

The Republican Guard would be a little less hawkish…

As for me, I would stop posting on Facebook.

jerv's avatar

I’m more worried about people like Ted Cruz and Donald Trump than I ever was about Saddam Hussein.

Hell, if we could get Vlad Tepes, things would probably actually be better! While he ruled with a strictness that practically defines the word draconian, he was fair. (As an aside, while Dracula translates to “Son of Dracul”, which in turn is “Son of the Dragon”, the word Draconian refers to Dracos, predating Vlad Tepes by couple of millenia. Any argument that he inspired the term are false.) Pretty much anyone who didn’t lie, cheat, steal, or otherwise harm innocent people were fine. And even now, many centuries later, many in his homeland regard him as a hero.

Oh, wait… you said “unscrupulous and ammoral” in addition to completely ruthless. My bad.

“But it can’t happen here can it?”

Did you forget the ~, or have you just not watched the GOP in the last few years?

ucme's avatar

Maybe i’d apologise for masturbating over his execution vid.

filmfann's avatar

@ucme. only one of you was hung

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s difficult to imagine “someone like Saddam” bothering to run for election ANYWHERE. It always distresses me no end when people fail to appreciate the fact that the world’s demons are ALWAYS a reflection of their environment. Saddam and his ilk arrived where they did because THAT IS WHAT WAS REQUIRED to get there.

flutherother's avatar

Well he might not resemble Saddam before being elected if he thought that would help his popularity. And how can we be sure what environments breed dictators anyway?

jerv's avatar

@flutherother Study history.

Can you think of any nation where the average worker is worse off than they used to be, the government corrupt enough that the average citizen wouldn’t really object to a coup, and there is a group that a savvy speaker could blame all of the bad things that are happening on? A place that has enough violence and chaos that the general public is willing of voluntarily forfeit their freedoms for a sense of security? Someplace that would gladly allow themselves to be ruled by an intolerant authoritarian so long as they impose order on society, even if that means internment camps and/or genocide?

I can think of a few. Unlike most though, the one most relevant to this discussion still exists, and has done it before.

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